Content Archives
This is an archive for categories that are no longer being maintained but is used to historically categorize older articles.
Sexual health for the new year
Dear Dr. Jenni, I’m curious how you define a sexually healthy couple. My husband and I have sex once a week. We do a variety of positions and have adequate foreplay. I feel leagues ahead of some of my girlfriends who claim they rarely have sex, or rarely want it. ...
Chocolate Peppermint Cake with Minty Glaze
Well, I might have said last week was my final holiday recipe. But don’t worry, readers, I have one more left for ya...
Holiday horniness
Questions Send questions for Jenni Skyler to drjenni@
Tips from EcoCycle
1 BYOBag, skip the fluff Bring your own bags when you go shopping. Bags that stuff into little pouches are a great choice. Also, say no thanks to the tissue paper, ribbons and stickers that often accompany even the smallest holiday purchases...
Gifts that matter
We give gifts to make people happy. There are some gifts, however, that can make more than the recipient happy...
Gingerbread Cake with Crystallized Ginger Glaze
How can any holiday baking marathon be complete without everyone’s favorites, gingerbread men...
Some Presents Don’t Fit Under the Christmas Tree
Dear Readers,Each holiday season I become more introspective. Recently, I counted my blessings and I realized how fortunate I am to have a great doctor. Feeling well is one of the best gifts in life. My story is about one man who has made it his mission to help ...
Keeping courtship and commitment
Dear Dr. Jenni, I’m always the one initiating sex with my wife, and it’s getting old being told no, since she never wants to do it as often as I do. I’ve tried different approaches, but what advice would you give to get her in the mood more often? Or should I just ...
Consider books over toys this season
In this fast-paced, high-tech age of newfangled gizmos and gadgets, when all that kids seem to want is the latest video game or highpriced toy of the month, sometimes it’s good to get back to basics...