Gifts for gamers
If you are the type that still actually reads for fun, then you might need some help finding a video game for the gamer on your list. Here is a brief guide to help you out...
Stocking stuffers that make a difference
Stocking stuffers can sometimes contribute to the arguably unfestive aspects of the holiday season. Oftentimes stockings are stuffed with unhealthy and unsustainable stuff like candy loaded with high fructose corn syrup, silly little plastic toys that immediately get...
Rubber, fashion and a greener gift to give
As she floated down Boulder Creek on a summer afternoon in 2002, Heather English says, she realized that the smooth black rubber of her inner tube might be just the thing to satisfy her search for a vegan handbag. Her hunt for one in Boulder had yielded no results, ...
Buying for that cook in the family
Searching for a gift for a friend or family member who lives to cook can be a complicated process, especially when there seems to be an endless array of presents available. But, a well-equipped kitchen can transform any pad into a hospitable home. Here are a few ...
Wasting away
It’s no secret that with the holidays comes mass consumption of everything from gifts to food to greeting cards, which also means 1 million extra tons of waste every week between Thanksgiving and Christmas...
Seasonings greetings
When the holidays roll around, it usually means good food — and lots of it. We decided to reach out to prominent local chefs to find out what their favorite dishes are during this special time of year. In addition to the recipe, each chef has provided a short summary...
Keeping your tax dollars home
For every dollar spent in retail stores in Boulder, about 3.5 cents in tax revenue goes to the city to improve services for residents and businesses, including open space expansion and enhancement, road maintenance, and development of parks, trails, and recreational ...
Happy Holidays
Tossing aside the tinsel, the tangled strings of lights, the scent of pine needles consistently shed onto the carpet and all of the other trappings of the holiday season, the stockings and stuffings and packages and boxes, the holidays are not about stuff. The ...
Eat, drink and be merry
Sorry, Mom, but most holiday gifts don’t last. You may as well give that misguided sweater or self-help audiobook straight to Goodwill...
Shopping Pearl Street Mall on a $20 budget
The holidays roll around and most of my friends and family get some lovely homemade cookies wrapped up in red and green cellophane on a mighty decorative plastic plate. That’s about all that I can afford for my four big brothers and their growing families. Everything...
2012 Gift Guide Introduction
Happy holidays. Yep, it’s officially that time of year again, so you might as well get used to it. You know what we’re talking about, everyone smiling and throwing kindness your way in one form or another, including gifts. Aside from the TV commercials, it’s not that...