Shoe inserts ease the pain
For many outdoor adventurers, sport is stress relief. Running on trails, cycling on flat roads or hiking steep slopes is an escape from the problems of life. It can be devastating when the escape from problems becomes a problem — injury or overuse leads to pain ...
Online Adventure site of the week: As summer approaches, our inner traveler begins to scream, “Road trip!” But where to go, what to see? Every traveler has different expectations, but if your road trip across America includes the desire to see a Styrofoam replica of Stonehenge...
Strap on some extra storage when exercising
A dventurers hoping to burn big calories with outdoor activity have options. A 140-pound person can burn about 320 calories in 30 minutes by rock climbing, running three miles or cycling eight miles. There seem to be fewer options, however, on where to stash ...
Feeling the burn
It would drive most people insane. During the late 1930s Albert Curnow spent three years working as a fire lookout on the edge of Oregon’s Siskiyou Mountains. One summer he didn’t see another person...
Something for everyone
Choose your own adventure at the Air Force Academy It`s easy to forget, as you hike among the quiet aspen groves and pine forests of the Rampart Range foothills, that you are on a training ground for elite aviators who will pilot advanced war machines.From late ...
How to keep your bike rolling
Here are ways to keep each vital part of your bike in shape for spring cycling: Brakes...
The meaning of risk
Ever since Aron Ralston went and cut his hand off in a lost canyon in Utah, I’ve been thinking about risk. As a journalist, I’ve specialized in covering extreme athletes and the world of action sports for more than a decade. For most of the individuals I write ...
Springtime in the desert
It technically may be spring, but with temps ricocheting back and forth between springtime and winter, my thoughts are already turning to the canyons and mesas of the desert. It’s time to swap skis for the hiking shoes and the mountain bike very soon...
Drink coffee sans grounds
Outdoor adventurers can enjoy instant coffee, minus the irritating grounds, with mugs that have a built-in mesh filter. Simply add hot water and enjoy. The Vacuum iBottle with Influser from Timolino is a thermal mug with a mesh cap that prevents users from ...
Keeping up with the Joneses
The sky is the kind of perfect blue that you only find in Colorado, no clouds, no wind, no nothing. Only the faint trickle of water from a frozen creek as the sun spills its warmth down on the planet. Then the cat rumbles to life as we climb aboard, the snow ...
Yoga can be a circus
Comfortable clothes? Check. Yoga mat? Check. Big red clown nose? You betcha. Welcome to hatha yoga with more than a twist — it’s a pratfall, a silly walk, a goofy stunt, some tumbling and juggling. “It’s for play,” says the Boulder ringleader, Braddon Hall. “For ...