Susie Hidalgo-Fahring — 2023 Longmont City Council Candidate Questionnaire


Candidate: Susie Hidalgo-Fahring

Office: Longmont City Council, Ward 3



Yes/No Questions – Please answer only with yes/no. 

Are you a homeowner? No

Do you think your City should have a homeless shelter? Yes

If the City police force was fully staffed, would you advocate for adding more officers? No

Do you believe there’s a need for more housing? Yes

Do you believe the City should spend more money on homelessness services? Yes

General Questions – Please limit responses to 300 words or less. 

Why do you want to be a council member?

I am currently running for my second term on Longmont City Council. During my first term, we navigated a pandemic, reallocated funds to work on aging city facilities in dire need, focused on replacing/repairing an aging water infrastructure, and assumed control as Commissioners to the Longmont Housing Authority, where we restructured and ensured the financial stability of the LHA. These achievements just name a few of the priorities I have been working on with my Council colleagues and members of City of Longmont staff. I already know and understand our local process, and have built relationships with our legislators at the state and national level to advocate for our needs and priorities. I would like to continue in this role because of my experience and improved ability to represent the people of Longmont.

When was the last time you paid rent, and where was that?

I do pay for rent right now; in northwest Longmont.

When considering new developments, which is more important: density and affordability or preserving neighborhood character?

My main priority, when considering new developments, is affordability. I believe we should also be looking to incentivize the building of affordable for-sale housing.  

Boulder County has experienced extreme natural disasters over the last decade, including flooding and wildfire. How do you plan to address these challenges?

In addressing these challenges, we need to look at both mitigation (short term) and climate change (longterm). The city approved the next phase of the Resilient St. Vrain Project (RSVP) in partnership with the Army Corps of Engineers. It is through actively seeking grants and other funding mechanisms along with careful budgeting that we can continue our mitigation work to reduce, and hopefully eliminate, disastrous wildfires and floods in Longmont. In terms of climate change, we need to work with the community to educate and engage residents in the Just Transition Plan that works toward reaching 100% renewable electricity. Additionally, continue working with neighboring municipalities and Platte River Power Authority (PRPA) to address regional responsibilities, goals, and actions.  

How do you think you stand out from other candidates?

I already have four years of serving on Longmont City Council. Throughout the pandemic, our community (as well as the world) had to overcome great adversity in public health and economically. During this time I rolled up my sleeves and worked with city and school district staff to get people internet, housing, basic needs, mental health care, as well as continued to work on maintaining and improving core services. I have already built trust and relationships with several community members and organizations already. My goal is to connect with more folks and fill in gaps and misalignments in our process and practices.  

What question would you ask a fellow candidate on the ballot?

Over the last four years, why have you not chosen to reach out and share what you would have liked to see, particularly in Ward 3?

What are your solutions for the growing population of people experiencing homelessness?

Collaborate with our local organizations, like HOPE and others, who are already doing this work and invest in their sustainability. A project I am extremely proud to have supported is the Zinnia Project which will be providing 55 supportive housing units for individuals experiencing homelessness. 

What’s your plan for creating more affordable housing in Longmont?

I am proud to have worked with staff on the creation of an Attainable Housing Fund, which will address housing opportunities for people who make too much to qualify for Affordable Housing, but not enough to qualify for market rate homes. I plan to further enhance this program, so that middle class residents can continue to live and work in the area. 

How will you address climate change? How do you plan to meet some of the City’s climate goals?

Education and community engagement will be key in attaining our climate change goals. During my first year on Council I worked with staff to address inequity in several pockets of our community as we set and implement our climate action goals. At that time the Just Transition Plan Committee evolved into the Equitable Climate Action Team. I also plan on ideating creative ways to offset costs and incentivize transitioning into renewable electric energy and recycling. The composting change at A1 Organics was a setback, if re-elected, I commit to supporting a regional or local composting facility.  

What are your goals for transportation and how will you achieve them?

We recently approved moving forward with Vision Zero. In the years to come, we plan to make great changes in our roads and pedestrian pathways. These changes will put safety first, focus on pedestrian and bike rider mobility, and education. In looking at public transit, I will focus on solutions that make public transit more convenient for users. We recently received funding to support city microtransit, I would like to continue to build on such solutions. I plan to hold RTD accountable for not delivering on the 2004 FasTracks ballot measure that the city passed. Whether that be in getting a committed timeline in the near future or a strategy to exit and reclaim funds.  

How do you plan to engage non-English speaking constituents?

I am a native Spanish speaker and bilingual educator. I believe in the importance of providing residents the opportunity to engage in their dominant language. For non-English speaking constituents that speak Spanish, I can engage with them directly. With other non-English speaking constituents, I would tap into city resources and translators for assistance.

How does diversity factor into your policy making?

Diversity and equity is the cornerstone of all my decision making. During my first four years on Longmont City Council, I worked with staff on looking at all our policy and practices through an equity lens. For example, early in my term I looked at our practice of Priority Based Budgeting with equity in mind. Rather than looking at funding a program or department based on how it impacts the city as a whole, we need to see how impactful it is for the subset of people in which it’s designed to support. In the past, if a program services only 20% of the population, it might not receive adequate or sustainable funding; however, through an equity lens, we would focus on the percentage of that 20% that benefits from the program to determine appropriate funding.  

How will you reach residents who have different lived experiences than you?

As a leader and current elected official, I feel it is imperative to meet people where they are and consider varying perspectives. I have been an educator in two different states for close to 30 years, I have worked with drastically diverse (culture, race, socio-economic status, etc) families over the years. I found great success when we worked together on a common goal. I believe we have to validate other’s experiences and work to achieve a common goal. 

Rank your top 5 issues in priority.

Housing affordability, community mental health support, wrap around services for the unhoused so they can work toward self sufficiency, transportation/Vision Zero – user safety, climate change