Tag: oct 18 2018 issue

The rhythm of storytelling

As the Master of Suspense Alfred Hitchcock said, “Drama is life with the dull bits cut out.” And who does the cutting? Editors. Sifting...

Astrology 10/18/18

ARIES March 21-April 19:  Humraaz is a word in the Urdu language. Its literal meaning is “secret sharer.” It refers to a confidante, a person...

Viewer’s Choice

Those who can afford tickets to the theater, opera, savoring the culture of a city of prosperity, where millions skimp on meals, worry about their children denied opportunity because of poverty, tormented...

Weekly news round-up

Nederland gets much-needed affordable housing funding On. Oct. 10, the Colorado Housing and Finance Authority approved low-income housing tax credit funding for affordable housing in...

Canada take one: Weed is legal there so I’m moving

It’s a time-honored tradition that whenever some political drama is going down, thousands of Americans will literally threaten to move to Canada, a country...

Canada take two: Painting North America green

Geographically speaking, we’re now more than half way there. On Oct. 17, recreational marijuana became legal throughout Canada. Throughout all 3,855,100 square miles of it. And...

Try this week: Poblano burger, spicy turkey sandwich, and more

Poblano Burger Two Hands Kitchen, Mobile, Boulder County, twohandskitchen.com We love the burgers at the mobile Two Hands Kitchen for one simple reason: they’re grilled over flames...

The greater pumpkin

Canned pumpkin is a lot like canned music. Both require old-fashioned devices to use, and both products are highly over-processed. You need tinny loudspeakers and...

Know your brew: amber ale

Amber ale in 2018 might seem a little passé in a world dominated by hazies, adjunct-laden stouts and barrel-aged beasts. But not that long...

‘It’s just French peasant food’

I had barely met Michael DeBoer before he invited me to board Louise. Louise was on her big, yellow second life — she started...