Tag: Oct 13 2016 issue

The exception that proves the rule

In terms of all-time great chestnuts, right up there with, “A stitch in time saves nine,” and, “Never get involved in a land war...

A cautionary tale about hate

Trying to keep up with GOP presidential candidate Donald J. Trump’s hate speech isn’t easy — it’s coming in hot and heavy these days...

Why can’t I find a hot, young woman with no baggage?

Dear Dan: I’m 64 years young, a musician, chubby, full head of hair, no Viagra needed, no alcohol, I don’t mind if you drink,...

Tour de brew: Great American Beer Festival

When the Great American Beer Festival (GABF) held its inaugural gathering in 1982, 24 brewers came, 47 beers were poured and roughly 800 people...

ICUMI (In case you missed it)

Thanks Obama Every 37 seconds, Trump spews another hateful, ignorant, appalling remark. Just when you think you can’t hate him more, somehow he insults women...

The purple haze (and jury nullification) drifts into Kansas

The Kansas Attorney General’s office last Monday issued a report claiming that in the nearly three years since recreational marijuana sales began in Colorado...

Breaking the taboo of menstruation with cannabis

If I were to ask you how often you felt discomfort or pain and you told me one week out of every month I...