Tag: Nov 17 2016 issue

‘It’s been a good ride’

Although both are retiring at the end of the year, don’t expect Josie and Rollie Heath to retreat to a secluded beach on a...

Astrology: 11/17/16

ARIES March 21-April 19: There is a 97 percent chance that you will NOT engage in the following activities within the next 30 days: naked...

A portrait of change, a portrait of love

Richard and Mildred Loving just wanted to be together. They loved each other and wanted to raise a family and in 1958, the two...

The United States of cannabis

The recent election yielded massive marijuana reform across the country as four states voted to legalize recreational marijuana and four legalized medical marijuana. Alongside...

Hurts so good

Good science fiction makes you ask hard questions. Things like “What is the true core of human nature?” and “Do they really expect us...

The mourning after in America

Dear Dan: I’m a longtime fan — reader and listener — and part of the 47 percent of white women who did NOT vote...

ICUMI (In case you missed it)

Planned Parenthood thanks you, Mike Pence Uteruses around the nation quivered with fear on Nov. 9 when the doom twins, Trump and Pence, were...

A star is born

One of the many pleasures of going to the movies is the discovery of new ideas, new voices and new faces. Last weekend, that...

A return to the grassroots

Marrakesh, Morocco — From across the ocean, I’m imagining the sun still rises and sets on the Front Range, that daily life goes on...

There were ballot wins for marijuana in Colorado too

Although state-wide marijuana legalization initiatives like the ones in California, Massachusetts, Florida and elsewhere got most of the attention, several Colorado communities voted on...

‘The biggest case on the planet’

When Hurricane Katrina struck in 2005, Mary Wood, law professor and faculty director of the Environmental and Natural Resources (ENR) Law Center at the...

Letters: 11/17/16

Coming home to roost Election night the chickens came home to roost. Trump’s unprecedented victory proves that hate is a stronger emotion than love. That...