Tag: Feb 10 2022 issue

General Camps 2022

Day Camps Arvada Center Visual Art Summer Camps Arvada 720-898-7200 arvadacenter.org There’s something for everyone this summer at the Arvada Center! We offer a wide variety of visual art...

Education Camps 2022

Day Camps Camp Invention Longmont, various locations 800-968-4332 invent.org A confidence-boosting STEM summer camp where kids build creative inventions and lasting friendships. Led by certified local educators, our camps...

Arts & Crafts Camps 2022

Day Camps Art Students League of Denver Denver 303-778-6990, ext. 0 ASLD.org Visual art camps and teen studios for young artists ages 6-17. Build a foundation of art skills...

Sports Camps 2022

Day Camps ABC Kids Climbing Boulder, 303-443-5437, abckidsboulder.com/camps Full- and half-day, indoor and outdoor climbing camps. Camps feature indoor climbing, trips to local outdoor climbing areas, art,...

Adapted for Accessibility Camps 2022

Day Camps Brain Balance of Superior Superior, 970-431-0050, brainbalance.com The Brain Balance Program addresses the root-cause of challenges with focus, attention, memory, social skills, cognition and more....

Performing Arts Camps 2022

Day Camps Aerial Summer Camps for Youth and Teens Frequent Flyers Aerial Dance Boulder, 303-245-8272, frequentflyers.org/camps Join professional teachers of aerial arts and dance for our exciting...

Horseback Camps 2022

Day Camps Academy Stables Horse Camp (Ages 9-12) Lafayette, 303-665-4637, academystables.com Horse camp runs Monday-Friday from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. This is a beginner camp focused on learning...

Faith-Based Camps 2022

Day Camps Camp Timberline Outta Bounds Locations along the Front Range, 970-484-8462, camptimberline.com A day camp unlike any other for ages K-6th grade, 10 locations along the...

Outdoor Camps 2022

Day Camps ABLE To Sail Youth Empowerment Camp Longmont, 720-233-8969, abletosail.org Learn the basics of sailing: parts of the boat, rigging, capsize recovery, boat handling, tacking, jibing,...

What to do when there’s ‘nothing’ to do…

EVENTS Opening Reception for ‘The Art of the Postcard: We Are All Artists,’ featuring music by David Tilmon. 6-9 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 11, Firehouse Art...

Taste of the Week: Proto’s Personal Pesto Pizza @ The Niche...

Commuters whizzing by the Niche Market are forgiven if they’ve never noticed the cool neighborhood store tucked away at 47th Street and the Diagonal...

The greatest of all human blessings

BETC’s ‘14 Funerals’ wraps philosophy in comedy