Longmont Insider

Catch, release and the art of slowing down

The rich, cool waters around Longmont remain prime for fly fishing, a sport growing in popularity thanks to its meditative qualities.

No need for an inferiority complex

Home to 11 operating breweries — including one with roots in Lyons, and another stretching down to Niwot — and a dozen-plus dedicated tap houses, Longmont...

A space for memories

“Three young people, kids I call them, in our family got married within six months of one another at very different venues,” says Annie Danielson, who...

Entrees for grownups

Longmont has some great barbecue and excellent pizza, as well as outstanding taquerias and top-notch burger and fried chicken spots — all casual places to grab...

The happiest of hours

There’s a moment between when work ends and the rest of our lives begin, to socialize, graze on appetizers and sip a low-priced libation....