The Highroad
Giving thanks for grassroots progressives
Wow, that was an exhilarating election, wasn’t it? Of course, even a car wreck can be exhilarating...
Corporate flimflammers suckering Congress, again
If you google Google, you might learn that this Internet powerhouse once proudly promised to do no evil...
A simmering water war
Here in my home state of Texas, we’re suffering from withdrawal pains...
Don’t cry for Jamie Dimon, America
As CEO of JPMorgan Chase, this ruling mogul of Wall Street must now cope with the recently enacted financial reform bill, which imposes a host of new regulations meant to rein in the rip-offs, frauds and other excesses of Wall Street bankers...
Spreading weapons in the name of peace
Hey, Bucko — stop whining about this sour economy, and start thinking about the plight of others...
Monsanto takes a tumble
Poor Monsanto — the mighty and haughty manipulator of Mother Nature has tripped on its own hubris, falling far, fast and hard this year...
Pop goes our anti-poppy policy
Recently, I found myself humming the Old Beatles song Poppy Fields Forever...
Oakland goes to pot
In California, a surprising new union movement is growing like a weed, having taken root in a burgeoning economic sector that has enormous potential: marijuana...
Dead miners and ethically dead senators
Some members of Congress complain that they have a really tough job. Also, they say their hard work is not appreciated by the public and that they’re really not paid enough...
Spreading weapons in the name of peace
Hey, Bucko — stop whining about this sour economy, and start thinking about the plight of others...
Gouging consumers with high-flying fees
Why do airline executives hate their customers? Not so very long ago, airlines boasted about flying “the friendly skies,” but that happy slogan has now been perverted into flying “the abusive skies...