The Highroad
Billionaire bullies
Not all of the bullies are in schoolyards these days — quite a few have graduated to the executive suites of Corporate America...
The big score in this year’s Super Bowl
For me, the most significant statistic coming out of this year’s Super Bowl was not the 31-25 score in the Green Bay Packers’ hard-fought victory over the Pittsburgh Steelers. Nor was it the $1.3 billion cost of the new, monstrously huge football palace built by ...
Congress slumps back to Tom DeLay ethics
This new Republican-run House of Representatives is looking a lot like the old ethics-be-damned House run just a few years ago by the convicted money-launderer, Tom DeLay — only more so...
Wall Street’s journal
Media tycoon Rupert Murdoch bought the Wall Street Journal last year, and in short order he has turned it into a tongue-clucking sympathizer with and proselytizer for the biggest of big businesses — not only on its editorial pages, but also in its news stories...
The war on cold medicine isn’t working
Much of the success of American law enforcement can be traced to this important reality: Criminals tend to be stupid. In other words, they catch themselves...
Judy Bonds: A model citizen
Chances are that an art museum, symphony hall, university building or other public edifice in your area is emblazoned with the name of some prominent rich man. His name is up there in shiny brass, we’re told, because he’s a model citizen for all to emulate...
Does everyone deserve a lobbyist?
I went to law school for a week and a half, so I know that everyone accused of a crime, no matter how awful, has a right to be represented by a lawyer. But does everyone have a right to a lobbyist...
Your new neighborhood food market
The signature phrase of America’s booming good food movement has been expanded from “organic” to “local and sustainable...
Obama to top executives: I feel your pain
Guess who’s whining the loudest these days, wailing that they’re getting a raw deal from Barack Obama...
A victory for truth in labeling
Question: what do biotech corporations, national milk processors, and the Ohio state government have in common? Answer: defeat...