Letters | Photo of black actor?


Photo of black actor?

(Re: “He came, he saw, he kvetched,” Arts and Culture, March 29.) I appreciate the good words for Byron Thompson, the lead “Sherry” in the play however, a picture including Mr. Thompson would have been appropriate.

I know that the play was advertised with just the picture of the family with the lead part as a surprise … why was it such a surprise that a black man could play the part? Anyway, this was Byron’s first play, he did absolutely fantastic and should have been recognized by a picture!

I saw this play in Long Beach, Calif., in the ’70s. The lead was James Whitmore … Byron was just as good as James, in my opinion. My friends and I enjoyed the play so much.

Thanks to Byron for a fantastic “night out,” and kudos to all actors.

Jeanne Weber/Frederick

Advice for the disabled

(Re: “Penny Wise,” cover story, March 29.) I was glad to see Boulder Weekly highlight the challenges facing those with disabilities, as well as the people who have stepped up to care for them, in its recent “Penny Wise” story.

There are nearly 4,000 people in Boulder receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, and people like Mr. Celias, who is blind and was profiled in the article, are proof that those with disabilities need a strong support system.

While it was not addressed in the story, it’s important that people like Mr. Celias also access financial advocates to help them receive federal disability benefits if they can no longer work.

Far too many people in this situation face foreclosure on their homes or bankruptcy because they aren’t able to earn an income and have mounting medical bills on top of their other expenses. According to an Allsup survey of pending SSDI claimants, 15 percent waiting for a decision are in or expect to be in foreclosure proceedings.

In addition, 5 percent faced bankruptcy.

If you or a loved one are facing a disability that prevents employment, don’t wait to apply. Since the qualifying process for SSDI can take months — sometimes years — it’s crucial not to waste any time.

Seek out the help of a friend or professional expert who can keep you on track with securing the proper medical records, filling out paperwork (which can be time-consuming and complicated) and meeting deadlines, all of which are critical to receiving Social Security disability benefits.

It’s important to note free assistance is available to help determine if you are eligible for the benefits you have paid for in FICA tax dollars, especially during what could be your most challenging life experience yet.

Jim Allsup/via Internet Editor’s note: Allsup is founder and CEO of Allsup, a provider of Social Security Disability Insurance representation and Medicare plan selection services.