Letters | Deli is a good neighbor


Correction: A May 12 story, “Ned residents think sustainability” incorrectly listed the date of Nederland’s Envision 2020 event. It will be held on June 4.

Deli is a good neighbor

The Yellow Deli is the next door neighbor to our store, Farfel’s Farm, and we are fortunate to have gotten to know many of the members of the Twelve Tribes.

From our perspective, they walk the talk. They have been kind and considerate during the months that they were constructing the deli, and now that the Yellow Deli is open, their food and service match the incredible interior of their unique space.

Boulder, of all places, should welcome the Twelve Tribes and the Yellow Deli as a new and different take on community.

Sandy Calvin and Jeff Richey/ Boulder

A variation on the theme

(Re: “Yes, that word,” In Case You Missed It, May 5.) You posted the following:

“The documentary rightly points out that the word can be used in a variety of ways. It … can even be inserted into other words, as in, “unbe-fucking-lievable.”

It’s actually “un-fucking-believable.”

Thank you. Jay Rodriguez/via Internet

Editor’s note: Thanks for the clarification. Our version was a term used in the film A Fish Called Wanda.

Corporate rights, wrongs

Kudos to the Boulder Weekly for having the courage and integrity to publish my robust letter “On the road to plutocracy” on April 28.

Next up, will the various national budget plans under intense debate solidify corporate welfare and limit economic mobility for 98 percent of Americans, or will we truly lay the foundation for “shared sacrifice” and fair opportunity in this age of recession?

It’s a hassle, but please do your civic duty and read about the stark ideological differences between the economic frameworks presented by President Obama, the GOP, the Congressional Black Caucus alternative, and the Progressive Caucus alter native, known as “The People’s Budget.”

Above all, every citizen and resident in this country needs to become familiar with the landmark 2010 U.S. Supreme Court decision, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, and its impact on corporate political spending and campaign finance reform.

Do you believe that corporate entities should be regarded as people and their lobbying money regarded as “speech” protected by the First Amendment? Many don’t think so, and are preparing to introduce a constitutional amendment to clarify that our democracy is not for sale, and that corporate entities, solely focused on financial gain frequently to the detriment of society and surroundings, are not people. (See story, page 13.)

“The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them.” —Patrick Henry “It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world. … I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.” —Thomas Jefferson Danice Crawford/Boulder

Videos of factory farming

Free press advocates have been outraged recently by bills in the Florida, Iowa and Minnesota legislatures to prohibit possession and display of videos of factory farming. Yet, for the meat, dairy and egg industries that push for these bills, the prohibition makes perfect sense.

A year ago, undercover investigators exposed E6 Cattle Co. in Castro County, Texas, chaining dairy calves in tiny wood crates and bludgeoning their skulls with pickaxes.

Last June, Cal-Cruz Hatcheries in Santa Cruz, Calif., were found to grind up and suffocate live chicks.

In August, Iowa’s Hillandale Farms and Wright County Eggs were forced to recall 550 million eggs for Salmonella contamination.

If I was running one of those operations, I certainly wouldn’t want people with cameras anywhere near my facilities.

Filthy conditions and cruel practices are likely to remain legal and commonplace on U.S. factory farms, and their operators will continue to avoid public exposure.

Our only option, as consumers, is to stop subsidizing these conditions and practices at the checkout counter by shifting to wholesome, cruelty-free vegetables, fruits and grains, as well as grain- and nut-based meat and dairy substitutes available in every supermarket.

Stanley Silver/Boulder

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