Letters | Catholic school’s decision


Catholic school’s decision

(Re: “Catholics defend, decry Sacred Heart decision,” News, March 11.) I would like to share my understanding of love and behavior with Sacred Heart, the Catholic Church and others who support dismissing children from their community for his/ her parent’s actions.

I respect Father William E. Breslin’s right to choose who belongs to their church. I also recognize that in any community, decisions concerning faith will bring conflict.

During these times I reflect on what Jesus would do. Jesus defied judgment in doctrine with compassion. He was persecuted for helping people with contradictory beliefs and behavior. His suffering proves sacrifice in word and deed creates love. I pray His example lives in me.

In 40 years as a minority, people’s behavior towards me has been consistently misguided. Ignorance can be painful, despite intention. I would wish everyone the same color, but diversity is beauty. So I honor homosexuality and respectfully feel lucky I am not attracted to men.

Some will dismiss my compassion and reasoning for personal choice. Their fear will create silence, isolation and/or aggression. This both scares and saddens me. Still, the child you wish to remove is innocent. Your exclusion reflects the Catholic Church’s worst history.

A clear example of faith in doctrine justifying evil behavior is terrorists. They feel righteous in killing them selves and others. Reckless reaction to one’s own suffering often hurts innocent people. Humanity’s many cultural, racial, national and religious conflicts demand tolerance.

Faith should inspire understanding and effort to help fulfill everyone’s needs. Closing doors when you have resources creates guilt. Giving food, shelter and education is joy. Jesus showed us evil is not
conquered with faith in church and scripture alone. Faith lives in what
we do.


Archdiocese of Denver may find itself wondering at some time in the
future why it is smaller. Sometimes shrinkage is not applied from
without. Legal discrimination may not be principled, and it is still


wonder if the Denver/Boulder Catholic Church leadership will be strong
enough to admit that they made a mistake?

Russell Schulz/Austin, Texas

Albums off the Hill

(Re: “And then
there was one,” cover story, March 4.) Normally an admirable bastion of
“cultural literacy,” the Boulder Weekly did let us all down a bit last
week. “And then there was one” seriously neglected reality when it
stated that, “For independent music stores, Albums on the Hill is the
last store standing.” Though the article was an excellent and nostalgic
tribute to Andy Schneidkraut and independent business, I’m amazed that
your indiefocused reporter doesn’t know about the Beat Book Shop or
Absolute Vinyl Records & Stereo!

FYI, Thom Peters’ vast collection of books, records,
tapes and CDs at 1717 Pearl is the longest running/continuously
owned/operated by same owner/same location
music and book store in Colorado. And local music buffs Doug Gaddy and
Michael Price unveiled their 10,000-plus album collection over six weeks
ago when Absolute Vinyl Records, the newest member of The NOBO Nite
Out, opened at 4474 North Broadway. I’m just sayin’.

Danice Crawford/Boulder

As a self-described
record addict that needs a vinyl intervention program, I read with
interest the “And then there was one (Albums On The Hill stands alone)”
article. The excitement never ends to browse through the bins and find a
gem — either for the music or simply the album cover artwork. Bart’s
closing is truly a shame, yet Boulder is not down to one vinyl store.
Absolute Vinyl (4474 N. Broadway) opened around the time that Bart’s
announced their closing, and Absolute definitely has some gems in their


scanners intrusive

For those who are not
aware, every major airport in the country is beginning to install and
use naked digital body scanners that reveal and record our private parts
to TSA government officials.

This is not only a
massive violation of personal privacy, but a direct violation of our
constitutional 4th Amendment right to be free from unreasonable searches
and seizures.

these scanners are installed at more than 350 major airports across the
U.S.A. by the beginning of 2011, you will be treated as a criminal if
you refuse to follow scanner
protocol in order to get on a plane. That is, they will then give you
the temporary reprieve — and I emphasize “temporary,” once everyone has
been acculturated — of having to submit to a highly intrusive bodily
pat-down, as is done when someone is arrested by the police.

This is all being done to
psychologically prepare the American people to surrender their rights,
liberties and freedoms and embrace a fascist Nazi police state headed by
Homeland Security and the Pentagon. It’s time to stand up and say “no”
to this level of tyranny in our nation. Contact your local airports and
airlines and voice your opposition to this insanity. The only
“terrorists” are those who are pushing to implement this new illegal
policy at our airports.

Gabe Parsons/San Francisco

Go vegetarian

Yet another study, this
one from Colorado State University, shows that women who eat mostly
fruits, vegetables and soy foods are much less likely to develop breast
cancer than women who eat meat, eggs and dairy products. Animal-derived
products are high in fat, concentrated protein and hormones, all of
which raise a person’s cancer risk. Plant-based foods, on the other
hand, are low in fat and high in fiber and phytochemicals, which knock
out carcinogens and fight inflammation. According to Dr. Dean Ornish,
“In Japan and other countries where the consumption of animal fat is
much lower, breast cancer is rare.”

To help women combat
cancer — and save animals — PETA is offering free vegetarian starter
kits, packed with expert nutritional advice and delicious
cancer-fighting recipes. Visit www.GoVeg.com
to order or download your copy.

Heather Moore/Norfolk, Va.

The future is nuclear

Oil is a
diminishing and expensive source of energy, and coal is dirty.

Alternative energy
sources, including solar and wind power, can only provide 10 percent to
20 percent of our energy requirements.

President Obama has increased government loan
guaranties for new nuclear power plants from $18.5 billion to $54.5
billion, which should give impetus to the nuclear power industry.

There are 20 nuclear
plants undergoing decommissioning, and we

could construct new 2,000-megawatt units at
these sites for a reduced investment by using the existing
infrastructure. Nuclear plants have provided clean, cheap and safe power
from 104 units. The only accident was at Three Mile Island, where
almost all of the radiation was contained in the containment building.

Subsequently, the NRC
made changes in how it regulates nuclear power plants, and this has
significantly reduced any risk to public safety.

We have to address the
problem of leaking radioactive wastewater from underground pipes. The
solution might be using higher-quality pipes or moving the pipes above
ground where they can be easily monitored.

Another problem is the disposal of nuclear
waste, which has been collecting on plant sites. The solution is to
neutralize and recycle the waste. France has perfected a process to
recycle nuclear waste, and it is able to generate 80 percent of its
energy requirements from nuclear power.

We need more nuclear power plants to counter
the effects of global warming, eliminate foreign oil purchases and
reduce the use of fossil fuels.

Donald A. Moskowitz Londonderry, N.H.

Israel’s settlement

Those of us who truly
care about Israel know that President Barack Obama is right to confront
Israel over its approval of a new settlement construction plan in East
Jerusalem. Settlement expansion undermines the prospects of peace. And
Israel’s future is dependent on reaching a two-state solution.

Americans are smart.
We know that peace for Israel is more important than the expansion of
settlements. We also know that our interests are directly tied to Middle
East peace and to Israel.

Peace talks will not succeed without genuine, sustained American
leadership. All sides must know that there will be a price to pay for
frustrating peace efforts. President Obama enjoys my support when he
demonstrates such leadership.

Aviva Joffe/Denver

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