Correction: In our roundup of foodrelated events last week, we said the Boulder Arts & Jazz Fest was a Downtown Boulder event [Tidbites, July 2]. It was actually produced by State of the Art Promotions. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.
Fighting global warming causes abortions?
This summer, Pope Francis will travel to America to present his encyclical charging that human-caused climate change degrades the environment and distorts economic development. He will urge governments to enact tough new laws to cut “green-house gas” emissions that cause global warming. He does not claim to know the science behind the environmental degradation nor the economic factors that distort economic development. He just trusts the United Nations scientists and economists. Yet, common sense tells us that green-house gases caused by volcanic eruptions cool world-wide temperatures; and, government controled economies create poverty. More importantly, if global warming is a man-made problem; people will have to be controlled! Any tough new laws and regulations will require adjudication and enforcement by a Global Tribunal and Police Force. World government will not only control environmental policy; but, trade and taxation; finance and food production; and, health and social policy. If too many people is the problem; then, fewer people becomes the solution. This means government imposed abortions and euthanasia. Good intentions will result in bad consequences.
Michael McCarthy/somewhere in the hiterland
Here’s to hoping the TPP doesn’t destroy a great president’s legacy
I listened to the president explaining details of the ACA from Nashville today. And it occurs to me that it may be quite a while before people in general recognize just how profound an economic and political/social move this was and in the most positive terms. But more than that is the way in which he’s accomplished so much. He, unlike myself and most men, is not the least bit arrogant nor ostentatious. He’s proven that it doesn’t take a cowboy or gangster attitude/style to get things done even though he was pressured intensely to do/be both. So this weak, indecisive, even essentially frightened president, as his critics would say, has managed to pull off something the country has been trying to get done beginning over a hundred years ago with commitment and persistence. He, this AMERICAN AFRICAN has completely blown their minds and is to be congratulated for an incredible job well done. Now let’s hope that job-killing TPP/Trans Pacific Partnership he’s signed doesn’t destroy his insurance legacy.
Grant D. Cyrus/Boulder
About that flag
“Choose your battles well.” These words of wisdom have been around for a long time. But, as is so often the case, when it comes to wisdom, many people don’t get it.
There are too many battles available to try to fight them all. Some battles are worth fighting and some are not. Choose carefully where you are going to invest your time and energy in engaging in life’s battles.
We are once again seeing a poorly chosen battle that seems to appear every decade or so. That is the battle of the Confederate flag. In the past, this battle has had two results — more confederate flags sell than before and racial tensions increase. The only groups who benefit from the battle are those who sell flags and those who make their living by keeping racial tensions alive. For the rest of us, it would have been better if this battle had never started.
Yes, there are battles raging that are worth our time and energy. Many who are engaged in these more important battles, such as government control vs. individual freedom, are glad to see the flag battle raging. They can divert our attention to the flag battle and use it as a decoy while they continue their devious power grabs unnoticed.
My heart goes out to those involved in the recent tragedy in Charleston, South Carolina. My heart is warmed by the way that the people of Charleston and around the nation have come together to try to bring healing in the face of such pain. But, my disdain goes to those who have used this event to spout their political agenda on gun control or to once again raise up the battle over a flag. We see on the one hand good people coming together and on the other hand we see radicals trying to divide so as to conquer.
Jesus once spoke of those who strain at gnats while swallowing camels. These are those who major on the minors of life while missing that which is truly important.
You only have one life. Make it count for good — for people and causes worthy of your efforts. Select your priorities wisely. In other words, “choose your battles well.
Steve Casey/Stonewall, LA