Weimar Republicans?
With a total disregard for history, many (Republican) folks have decided on their own that our Constitution is no longer valid. Their selection of a self-described “stable genius” as leader (with 16,000 lies and counting, three wives and bone-spurs)… the personality cult continues.
The problem with ignoring history is that it creates fear and distrust when facts, information and reason are needed. Sadly, the once-respected Republican Party has been hijacked and has taken on traits of the Weimar Republic with a despotic bully at the helm, and we really don’t want an Aryan rerun of what subsequently occurred… do we?
America deserves better.
Tommy Holeman/Superior
Fighting Corruption
Yet again Donald Trump is playing the airwaves like a maestro. He gets more media mileage and volume out of his tweet-a-phone than all of Michael Bloomberg’s messaging millions. Why spend money when the mainstream/fake news coverage does the job so well? After all, white collar/white guy financial crime is not really corruption. It is just part of “the art of the deal.”
Robert Porath/Boulder
Warren is most prepared
to lead
As we vote in the Democratic primary, it’s important to chose the candidate most prepared to quickly rebuild our government and take on the most important challenge we face: cutting carbon emissions in half by 2030 while addressing inequality.
Elizabeth Warren brings a preparedness unmatched by any other candidate. She knows the transition between administrations will be difficult and will announce her Cabinet choices by Dec. 1, 2020.
From her service on the Senate Armed Forces Committee, Warren knows what it will take to restore our diplomatic efforts around the globe. She knows how to build an effective team, and her track record in the Senate shows collaboration and compromise.
International cooperation is the keystone to addressing climate change. I attended the United Nations Climate Change Conference COP 25 in December, and the absence of U.S. leadership stalled progress, just as our time to wait has run out.
Warren’s climate plans are spot on. She understands the seriousness of what the medical community is telling us about climate change and public health. The Lancet Countdown reports: “The life of every child born today will be profoundly affected by climate change, with populations around the world increasingly facing extremes of weather, food and water insecurity, changing patterns of infectious disease, and a less certain future. Without accelerated intervention, this new era will come to define the health of people at every stage of their lives.”
Warren will fully fund the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). She will make the mandates EPA and FDA have to protect public health a reality.
As we transition to a green economy, Warren’s strategies will make us more globally competitive. While incorporating climate priorities into international trade agreements, Warren will create jobs in rural America.
Developing a Federal Renewable Energy Commission and launching a Green Apollo plan to invest $400 billion over ten years in clean energy R&D, Warren will move forward with a Green New Deal and a Blue New Deal. She’ll collaborate with all stakeholders from our most talented engineers and manufacturers to Tribal Nations and local communities in determining the best ways forward.
Warren’s inclusive leadership style will bring diverse perspectives to the table on domestic policy priorities, while restoring U.S. leadership among the international community. Her integrity combined with her original thinking on economic policy are a winning combination.
Christie Renner/Boulder