Letters: 8/15/19

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Join the March for Unity on August 25

A recent annual report claims that hate crimes in Colorado nearly doubled in 2018 to 185 reported crimes that were largely racial and religious in nature. This was up from 96 in 2017. The Lemon Tree Group in Boulder is deeply concerned about his trend and is planning its sixth annual March for Unity on Sunday, August 25.  

We will meet at 4 p.m. at the Second Baptist Church at 5300 Baseline Road to hear brief speeches from community and religious leaders followed by a musical presentation. Parking is available.

Then we shall walk west to Congregation Har HaShem at 3950 Baseline Road for concluding services and music. Water and snacks will be available en route.

The March will end at 6 p.m. and vans will be available to return walkers to their cars if needed.

We invite all members of our community to join us and to walk together and talk and listen to one another. This is a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate that Boulder is a city of understanding, awareness and acceptance of all. Please join us for any part of this event. 

I have participated in the five preceding annual Marches with hundreds of local residents including my children and grandchildren.  It has been so heartening to see the support for tolerance and unity in our community.  

Joan Graff/Boulder

An open letter to the Boulder County Commissioners

First, let me thank you for your expressing that we are indeed, facing a climate emergency. Unfortunately, considering the report of the conservative International Panel on Climate Change’s review of over 6,000 studies, has told us our targets are not enough. 

The IPCC said, “Under emissions in line with current pledges under the Paris Agreement (known as Nationally Determined Contributions, or NDCs), global warming is expected to surpass 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, even if these pledges are supplemented with very challenging increases in the scale and ambition of mitigation after 2030 (high confidence). This increased action would need to achieve net zero CO2 emissions in less than 15 years. 

Even if this is achieved, temperatures would only be expected to remain below the 1.5-degree threshold if the actual geophysical response ends up being towards the low end of the currently estimated uncertainty range.”

They go on to explain the terrible consequences of not holding temperature ride to the 1.5-degree threshold, but I’m sure you’ve done your homework and read the full reports. Because, as I know you realize, this is an existential threat to life on Earth. By 2050, the UNHCR predicts there will be as many as one billion climate refugees worldwide. That’s one-tenth of the world’s projected population. The recent UN Extinction Report says there will be an unprecedented number of extinctions in just the next five years. Over one million species will be lost, including one in four mammals.

That is why I am so disappointed by the targets you call for in the proclamation. They are dumbfoundingly inadequate. They merely align with the recently passed HB 1261. This should have been an aspirational call to action, especially considering it’s merely a resolution. And, it should be evidence-based and in line with science, not politics. What did you base these targets on?

Compounding the damage, I am concerned that this has informed the Committee on Climate Crisis’ field hearing in Boulder that took place on August 1. Congressman Neguse surely thought that by starting in Boulder, the highest standards would be put forth. Boulder is supposed to be a leader, not kowtowing to the moderates. The committee will view this as the outer limit of what they should consider and instead, they will be getting an upholding of a middle-of-the-road status quo. 

I hope you will reconsider and strengthen the emission reduction goals you’ve put forth.

Lisa Widdekind/via internet


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