Letters: 10/25/18

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Vote for Weiser

Phil Weiser is pro-choice.

George Brauchler is not pro-choice.

They are both running for Colorado Attorney General, a role that some have described as the “people’s lawyer.” In these days of Trump trying to overturn many of the important safety and environmental regulations and appointing judges who do not support women’s reproductive rights, we the people need someone who will fight for us. Phil Weiser is that person.

In important down-ballot races, sometimes it is hard to know the right person to choose. There is no doubt in this race. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg chose Phil Weiser to clerk for her. I can’t imagine a better recommendation to guide us in knowing who to elect that going with RBG’s choice!

Join me in supporting Phil Weiser for Attorney General.

Josie Heath/Boulder

Vigil for Jamal Khashoggi

Each successive version the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia produces concerning the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi only adds more credence to the grisly account put forth by the Turkish Government.

People the world over must know that Jamal Khashoggi was tortured and murdered in cold blood. And Muslims the world over must be repulsed that the Crown Prince would sanction such a thing. This is not normal, and it certainly is not Islam.

Local Muslims, in conjunction with the Colorado chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), will hold a vigil to honor Jamal Khashoggi and to demand the truth from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on Sunday, Oct. 28, at 3 p.m. on the Pearl Street Mall in front of the County Courthouse. They are also demanding that the United States government impose real consequences on the Kingdom for this appalling murder.

All people of goodwill are invited to join this vigil, and are asked to bring appropriate signs if they wish.

Todd Buchanan/Eldora

Cambridge Analytica had nothing on oil and gas

Cambridge Analytica, primarily funded by oil and gas in Colorado, took credit for flipping control of the Colorado Senate to Republicans in 2014. Using the same psychographic voter targeting strategy, the oil and gas industry boasted in 2015 that they had profiled 3.9 million Colorado voters, also electing majorities of many city councils, including nine of 13 Denver City Council members.

Oil and gas are among corporate groups that have allied with the American Legislative Exchange Council to draft industry-favorable laws that gut democracy, including voter suppression and state preemption laws denying local rights. Setting their sites on the elimination of community-rights initiatives, oil and gas industry were chief funders of Colorado Initiative 71 in 2016, the effort to place the Constitutional Ballot Initiative out of reach of the people, accessible only to big-money elites.

Enlisting a who’s who of Republican and Democrat current and ex-electeds and ex-journalists shilling for them, oil and gas has raised well over $13 million to advance its agenda in 2018, including intimidation of signature gathering, misinformation and other scare tactics. Corporate elites fund a compromised electoral process that marginalizes people, the environment and democracy. It’s called oligarchy.

M.R. Papale/Denver

Not happy with meat in BW’s food mag, Feast

Your colorful “Feast” thing arrived in my mailbox yesterday. It took me less than two minutes to rip it into shreds and toss in recycle. As I skimmed through and saw one slab of animal flesh after another I wondered if this was Texas, Nebraska, etc. I’m sure you at Boulder Weekly think it is “chic” with the photography, etc. There are many of us who think chic is more related to plant-based, environmental humane concepts.

This is yet another reminder of how “out of it” Boulder is with the plant-based ethic — so far behind other cities. I’m always embarrassed when I have friends come in from various places — say, Asheville, North Carolina — and are quite take aback that decent vegetarian/vegan options are few and far between on the great Pearl Street Mall! I get limp, lame, clueless replies at restaurants when I point this out. Going backwards in time it appears to me at times.

You folks at the Weekly may think you are cool environmentalists and real hipsters. Real environmentalists don’t eat meat.

D. DeMarco/via mail