For now, Blue Book analysis of Prop DD is all wet
Here we go again. Every election cycle we get to peruse the Legislative Council’s Blue Book, which is supposed to guide us in an...
Is City Council above the law?
At a City Council meeting a couple weeks back, Boulder Mayor Matt Appelbaum spent a fair amount of time suggesting that Boulder’s elected leaders need to do a better job of filling out their legally required disclosure forms, which were, of course, designed to shine ...
On a positive note… mostly
Folks often ask me why we don’t report more “good news.” I usually fire back something along the lines of “nobody wants to read...
Don’t trade pennies for your planet
There is an old political joke in my business in which a reporter who doesn’t much care for a particular candidate shouts out at a press conference, “Do you still beat your wife?” The candidate, who of course has never done such a despicable thing, quickly responds ...
‘Being There,’ the remake; starring Donald Trump
You’re not crazy and it only feels like déjà vu. The truth is, that nagging feeling you’ve seen this show before isn’t wrong. You...
Time for Longmont voters to push back on disgusting ‘push polls’...
First off, let me just warn you that I’m pretty angry about what’s going on in Longmont’s city council races. I’m upset because I naively thought, or at least hoped, that as a community we had matured and moved beyond the kind of childish, unsophisticated politics ...
Colorado ‘promotes’ natural-gas catastrophe that now threatens Colorado River
Parachute Creek is now officially contaminated with cancer-causing benzene and heaven knows what else. A carcinogenic stew is now making its way quickly down the creek and presumably into the Colorado River a mere four miles away from the source of the contamination...
Patriotism on life support
Warning: I wrote this at 4 a.m. while feeling pretty angry and cynical, so read on at your own peril.
I really do love my country,...
The oil and gas war is over?
“Today, with the signing of this bill, it is our hope that the oil and gas wars that have enveloped our state are over,...
Oil industry borrows page from Trump/Russia dirty-tricks playbook
It seems like only yesterday when Comrade Trump was stealing the presidential election. We all now know he had plenty of help from Vladimir,...
Vaya con Dios
I had a hard time sleeping last Monday night. I kept thinking about that cowboy, Patrick Schumacher, sitting in jail, no doubt worrying about his horse Dillon and his 12-year-old pug Bufford, who had been more or less arrested Sept. 10 along with the cowboy as the ...
Five questions for the director of the COGCC
At 9:05 a.m. on July 31, the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) will be holding a public meeting at CU School of...