Heartless no more



The Polis/Hickenlooper fracking compromise; thanks, but no thanks

Remember the old comedy skit wherein a well-meaning fellow decides he wants to do a good deed by helping an elderly woman cross a busy street? He eventually hauls her kicking and screaming safely through the traffic to the other side only to have the old lady kick ...

Why people who are unwilling to disclose their business relationships should...

It feels a bit odd to be writing this particular column. I mean, honestly, is it even possible for someone who wants to run for elected office in this day and age to be so out of touch as to suggest that they should be allowed to keep their business interests and ...

City’s cleanup of teahouse site actually deserves kudos

At first I thought it might just be the holiday season or perhaps the sense of optimism that tends to wash over me with the start of each new year. Whatever it was, I initially assumed it was tainting my perspective and clogging my journalistic BS filter. What I ...

COGA lawsuits against Lafayette, Fort Collins are latest insult to citizens...

Well, that didn’t take long. On Tuesday, Dec. 3, the Colorado Oil and Gas Association (COGA) announced its intention to file lawsuits against Lafayette and Fort Collins over those cities’ election results regarding fracking. Once again, the oil and gas industry is ...

Time for Longmont voters to push back on disgusting ‘push polls’...

First off, let me just warn you that I’m pretty angry about what’s going on in Longmont’s city council races. I’m upset because I naively thought, or at least hoped, that as a community we had matured and moved beyond the kind of childish, unsophisticated politics ...

Vaya con Dios

I had a hard time sleeping last Monday night. I kept thinking about that cowboy, Patrick Schumacher, sitting in jail, no doubt worrying about his horse Dillon and his 12-year-old pug Bufford, who had been more or less arrested Sept. 10 along with the cowboy as the ...

Don’t trade pennies for your planet

There is an old political joke in my business in which a reporter who doesn’t much care for a particular candidate shouts out at a press conference, “Do you still beat your wife?” The candidate, who of course has never done such a despicable thing, quickly responds ...

NSA’s domestic spying program: Beware the wolf

This is not an easy column to write in a calm voice or free of profanity, but I’ll give it my best shot. That said, please feel free to toss in all the mental expletives you want as you read along. I’m sure you’ll know just where to put them...

Failure to extend drilling moratorium sparks talk of recall election for...

If the emails crossing my screen these days are to be believed, then last week’s vote by the Boulder County commissioners to allow the county’s moratorium on oil and gas drilling to expire is shaping up to be the Lexington/Concord of the great fracking showdown...

Hiding behind the flag

Last year, while attending city council meetings in Longmont, where the town’s new oil and gas regs were being debated, one particular family in attendance caught my attention. This family included a couple of kids, never missed a meeting and, to put it mildly, was ...

The bad news: Hickenlooper is not delusional

Colorado’s Republi … Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper was in Boulder a few days back speaking at the FrackingSENSE lecture series that the University of Colorado puts on. As is the norm for the governor these days, he spent a fair amount of time bemoaning his ...

What’s wrong with this picture?

Two pro-gun-rights billboards have recently gone up in Greeley and they’re causing quite a stir, as in you can read about them in The Washington Post kind of stir. But why have a couple of political signs sparked so much controversy and who is paying for them...