Danish Plan
What hath BP found?
On Jan. 10, 1901, roughnecks working on a 1,020-foot-deep oil well near Beaumont, Texas, were lowering the drill string back into their well when, without warning, the drilling mud began furiously bubbling back out of the hole. Alarmed, the crew ran for it. This ...
Polis plays the Nazi card
Following the passage of Arizona’s new immigration law last month, Boulder Congressman Jared Polis unburdened himself of the following thoughts to the POLITICO website: “It is absolutely reminiscent of second-class status of Jews in Germany prior to World War II...
Pot at the tea party
The Boston Tea Party, the original one, occurred on the night of December 16, 1773, when the Sons of Liberty, some cunningly disguised as Ward Churchill, threw 342 chests of British East India Company tea into Boston Harbor. But truth be told, as a date to hold ...
The Democrats don’t get the Tea Party
It`s pretty much settled Democratic Party theology that the Tea Party movement consists of little more than racist, angry white male knuckle draggers. Inconveniently, the stereotype is wrong...
Iran and the math of the final countdown
How close is Iran to getting the bomb? A lot closer than you might think and a lot closer than the Obama administration has let on. The truth is hiding in plain sight. It’s in the arithmetic of uranium enrichment. The arithmetic shows that the Iranian nuclear ...
Obama goes nuclear — will carbon caps follow?
According to a recent Reuters article, the U.S. Senate is about to take up climate change/capand-trade/energy legislation again, which, politically, is like taking up serpents...
The marketplace of ideas
Whatever else it did, the Supreme Court’s ruling in the case of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission — that’s the campaign finance case — has prompted a lot of Boulder lefties to take pen in hand and hyperventilate that the American republic, and possibly ...
Supreme Court gives McCain-Feingold a thumpin’
The Wall Street Journal’s story about last week’s U.S. Supreme Court decision striking down the ban on corporate and union campaign spending in federal elections contained a detail that the New York Times story managed to overlook...
Nine ways to run a computer
A couple of weeks ago, the Weekly printed a letter from Jim Bryant taking me to task for dissing the decision by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) to locate its new $500 million supercomputer in Cheyenne, Wyo. — where it can get cheap, coalgenerated...
Copenhagen was a success — for the Chinese
It would be wrong to say that nothing came out of the Copenhagen conference. Just ask the Chinese...