Danish Plan

Obama, Spain and Kitty Genovese’s neighbors

There is a good historical parallel for the Western world’s reaction to the Syrian Civil War: The Western world’s reaction to the Spanish Civil War...

OMG! The Roughnecks are coming!

Yikes! The Roughnecks are coming! The first sighting occurred in February, when a band of them known as Crestone Peak Resources filed a Comprehensive Drilling...

Nixon explains why Bernie will clean Bloomberg’s clock

Me and the Idea Fairy had almost finished airing out the house when there was a knock on the door. It was Richard Nixon,...

Obama goes nuclear — will carbon caps follow?

According to a recent Reuters article, the U.S. Senate is about to take up climate change/capand-trade/energy legislation again, which, politically, is like taking up serpents...

The man who sold Mars

The most interesting man in the world isn’t the guy selling beer for Dos Equis. It’s Elon Musk. A couple months ago Musk, the founder...

A gentleman’s C for the pot task force

I’ve been reading the recommendations of the Amendment 64 Implementation Task Force. They mostly remind me of Mark Twain’s description of Wagner’s music: “It’s better than it sounds.” But just barely...

If you don’t like fracking, hope you like global warming

So you don’t like fracking, huh...

Ten years after 9/11

Random thoughts on the 10th anniversary of 9/11...

Bulworth and the Honey Badger

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is a case of life following art. The art in this case is the 1998 movie Bulworth. The film is an over-the-top political comedy starring Warren Beatty as Jay Billington Bulworth, a liberal Democratic U.S. Senator from California ...

The rigged Rodale Institute deal

Shortly after the Boulder County Commissioners voted to ban GMO crops from Boulder County Open Space (in March 2016), it occurred to them that...

Some facts about GMO crops Jones and Gardner tried to hide

The County Commissioners’ March 17 decision to ban GMOs from Boulder County open space was rigged. Commissioners Elise Jones and Deb Gardner had their...

How to increase Colorado’s (and Arizona’s) water supply

Here are a few factoids to contemplate as we head into 2019: • In the past dozen years, Colorado’s population has grown by about 1...