Danish Plan
Cops in the schools, gun control and race
A week after the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., the National Rifle Association called for immediately assigning armed police officers to every school in the country. It also called on Congress to appropriate the money to pay for doing so...
Cain’s manager inhales
A lot of politicos, left and right, seem mystified by an ad produced by Herman Cain, the former pizza CEO who — to their amazement and bemusement — is leading in most of the recent polls for the Republican nomination for president...
Reducing the budget
A couple of weeks ago President Obama challenged Republicans who are calling for less federal spending and a smaller federal government to state exactly what they would cut...
Nixon’s take on Bolton and Bernie
The Idea Fairy and me were polishing off our latest plate of edibles when there was a knock on the door. It was Richard...
A modest proposal for settling accounts with America’s latter-day Red Guards
It was one of those war stories that if it wasn’t true, it should have been.
I first heard it in the 1960s during a...
Boulder’s sad siblings
When the scheme to establish a “sister city” relationship between Boulder and the Palestinian city of Nablus came to light 15 months ago, I wrote a column suggesting that wouldn’t be a good idea because Nablus, and the An Najah University located in Nablus, “were ...
Double your bet on ClimateSmart
About this time last year, Charlie at Mesa Plumbing called with the dreaded news: The parts needed to overhaul my boiler were no longer carried by the gift shop at the National Museum of Pre-Columbian Plumbing and Heating."You really need to get one of those new ...
Governor Brown and ‘the new abnormal’
For some reason California’s outgoing Governor Jerry Brown started his Nov. 11 press conference on the state’s wildfires by calling them “the new abnormal.”
Colorado should quit punishing pot users
There are at least two groups that intend to put marijuana legalization initiatives on the Colorado ballot in 2012, but neither has as of yet put forward an actual proposal. Here’s mine...