Celebrating 50 years of reproductive freedom in Boulder County

As Boulder Valley Health Center prepares to celebrate its 50th anniversary, its mission is as clear as ever. 


It’s been more than a year since the Supreme Court reversed Roe v. Wade, sending the issue of abortion back to the states and creating a reproductive health care crisis in its wake. Even though here in Colorado our lawmakers have taken steps to protect abortion access within our borders, the damaging impact of Roe’s reversal is undeniable. At Boulder Valley Health Center, it only deepened our commitment to providing the highest quality reproductive and sexual health care to our community and beyond. As we prepare to celebrate the center’s 50th anniversary, it’s brought into sharp focus our mission and path forward for our next 50 years. 

At Boulder Valley Health Center, we know that whole-person health care is community care, and that when we serve our patients we contribute to the health of all of Boulder County. 

These are dynamic times in reproductive and sexual health policy. Boulder Valley Health Center was providing high-quality reproductive and sexual health care before Roe v. Wadewas overturned, and we’re unwavering in our dedication to provide it in the wake of the Dobb’s decision. Under the vision and leadership of Dr. Savita Ginde, Boulder Valley Health Center is prepared for the challenges — and opportunities for rebuilding — that now exist.

Boulder Valley Health Center has always been a place where you will find compassionate, respectful reproductive and sexual health care that centers your needs, regardless of your background, your income or your beliefs. That is even truer today. Our clinic and staff are resources for community members as they come to us for reliable contraceptive methods, compassionate abortion care, gender-affirming care, cancer screenings, or menopause and hormone replacement therapy. Fewer and fewer of these kinds of clinics exist, especially in the aftermath of Roe’s reversal, which makes the role Boulder Valley Health Center plays all the more critical. 

The staff at Boulder Valley Health understand that a key component of a vibrant and healthy community is the ability to feel safe, seen, heard and respected. Reproductive health is public health. As reproductive and sexual health care providers, we play an irreplaceable role in helping our neighbors become the best and fullest versions of themselves. This is another aspect of community care we intend to carry into our next 50 years. 

This model and understanding of community care is even more important now as an alarming number of our neighboring states take steps to roll back reproductive autonomy within their borders. Despite Colorado’s reputation as a safe haven for reproductive health care, we feel the impact of restrictions taking effect in places like Oklahoma, Utah, Kansas and Nebraska. We understand that our responsibility as health care providers exists despite the political climate, not as a result of it. Our commitment to community care only deepens as reproductive health care deserts emerge around us. Taking care of each other, and taking care of our neighbors, is what we do at Boulder Valley Health Center. 

Our commitment to all of Boulder Valley is unwavering, especially to our most vulnerable and marginalized members. Too many of our neighbors, family and friends currently feel under attack. This is another unfortunate result of the destabilizing effect reversing Roe v. Wade has had on our communities in general, and a challenge Boulder Valley Health Center can help solve. Inside our doors patients will always find judgment-free, stigma-free, medically accurate information and care. And we know that to cultivate a healthy community, we must nurture a diverse community. The two go hand-in-hand. We were one of the first clinics in the area to provide gender-affirming care services, and we remain dedicated to providing our LGBTQ community members with the highest quality of care. 

Because of our commitment to serving all of Boulder County, our care doesn’t just stop and start at our clinic doors. We offer sexual health education in our schools. We table at community events and host Q&A sessions with students. We want to know our neighbors, and we want our neighbors to know us. That’s a key part of building and fostering community and countering the stigma around reproductive and sexual health care that allows the political attacks to continue.

These are challenging times to be a reproductive health care provider, without a doubt. But at Boulder Valley Health Center, we don’t do this work because it’s easy. We do this work because it’s necessary and we know the power it has to transform lives. We couldn’t do this without you, our community. Thank you for the last 50 years, as a part of the Boulder Valley fabric, we look forward to continuing to serve you.

Jessica Mason Pieklo is a Boulder Valley Health Center Board Member, legal journalist, and author of the book ‘The End of Roe v. Wade: Inside The Right’s Plan to Destroy Abortion.’

This opinion does not necessarily reflect the views of Boulder Weekly.