Romney Booed While Addressing NAACP


Mitt Romney
didn’t shy away from one of his chief campaign talking points during his
morning speech at the NAACP convention, despite likely knowing that it
wouldn’t go over so well with the crowd.

A chorus of boos interrupted the Republican candidate’s speech after
he mentioned his plan to repeal Obamacare. Romney paused, giving the
boos a chance to ring in the convention hall, before departing from his
script to cite a survey by the Chamber of Commerce that showed that the
president’s health care plan would make business owners less likely to
hire. (h/t Guardian)

The audience settled down again after a few seconds, but not for good, the Associated Press
reports. Romney was heckled again later in the speech for criticizing
President Obama, after he said, “If you want a president who will make
thing better in the African American community, you are looking at him.”

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