Birth behind bars



Increased climate tax and police reform

To combat increasing wildfires, Boulder will ask for increased climate tax Boulder is proposing a new $6.5 million annual tax on natural gas and electricity...

The Oath Keeper’s son—part I

Oath Keepers chief Stewart Rhodes’ son explains why he left ‘daddy Trump’ and the ‘far-right’ cult

Racial equity, a settlement for Seth Franco, and no rebates for...

Boulder has a racial equity tool—But it’s too white to use it Boulder loves a grand plan, and there was perhaps none grander than its...

Big wins for gun control, but business as usual for unhoused...

Boulder’s $3M plan to remove homeless camp (still) not working One year after approving $2.86 million in new spending for cops, park rangers and a...

Struggle of the Sacred Tribe

Charged and arrested for felony possession, Denver’s mushroom rabbi’s case could change precedents for religious practice in Colorado

Amid slow economic recovery, Boulder set to pilot UBI; in the...

Guaranteed income by another name? The city is moving forward with plans to give cash to low-income Boulderites, though how much, to whom and for...

‘Truth is, it does happen here’

Gavin Curwick, a 16-year-old junior at Lafayette’s Peak to Peak Charter School, has been attending Boulder Valley School District (BVSD) schools since the second...

Council contends with even year elections and COVID infections

Local elections may move to even years, but how and when is TBD. Assuming voters give it a green light, Boulderites could soon be electing...

Minimum wage debates, gun control and a full docket for next...

Minimum wage debates, gun control and a full docket for next week's city council meeting

From scandal to scrutiny

How intense citizen oversight reshaped Oakland police.

Little fires everywhere, outdoor dining here to stay

Tourists, residents and workers loved Boulder’s pandemic-prompted proliferation of al fresco dining. That’s according to a survey of 836 people from earlier this year...

Finally, some decisions on the library district

After four years of campaigning and haggling over little details, Boulder City Council on Tuesday night voted 6-3 to form a library district that...