A parent element for categories that are no longer used
Breathing and biking
Dear EarthTalk: I ride my bike to work along busy urban streets. Should I be worried about inhaling pollutants from vehicle emissions and other sources...
Natalie Portman Raps
"Natalie Portman raps about drinking and fighting on Saturday Night Live." via YouTube.
Pakistani police arrest 5 Americans with alleged terror ties
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Police on Wednesday arrested five...
DEA Recruits Lil Wayne To Use Up All Drugs In Mexico
"The DEA says Lil Wayne is an indispensable weapon against Mexican drug cartels having eradicated 40 tons of marijuana alone by smoking it himself." Via The Onion on YouTube.
Iran, Saudi Arabia tensions rise over missing scientist
CAIRO — An award-winning Iranian nuclear scientist traveled...
At least 100 dead in Baghdad car bombings
BAGHDAD — Insurgents detonated five car bombs in Baghdad...
Iranian police use tear gas on student protesters
CAIRO — Iranian authorities fought students with tear gas...