About Us


As Boulder County’s only independently owned newspaper, Boulder Weekly is dedicated to illuminating truth, advancing justice and protecting the First Amendment through ethical, no-holds-barred journalism and thought-provoking opinion writing. Free every Thursday since 1993, the Weekly also offers the county’s most comprehensive arts and entertainment coverage.

Submission guidelines
Boulder Weekly does not accept unsolicited editorial submissions. If you’re interested in writing for the paper, please send queries to: [email protected].

Letters to the editor
Boulder Weekly welcomes your correspondence. E-mail submissions are processed more quickly, but you may also send letters via snail mail or fax. Letters must not exceed 400 words. Include your name, address and a daytime phone number for verification. We do not publish pseudonyms or anonymous submissions. All letters are subject to editing and become the property of Boulder Weekly for publication as we see fit in the print edition or online. Send letters to [email protected], or mail them to Boulder Weekly.


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