
Pittsburgh 2010 Snowstorm

"Taking advantage of the third-biggest snowstorm in Pittsburgh's history, we took it to the streets (and hills) in search of rails, powder, jibs, and fun. This is the Urban skiing from Pittsburgh's February 2010 storm." Via YouTube.

Naked Edge by Pamela Clare

"The book trailer for NAKED EDGE, the fourth book in Pamela Clare's I-Team series. The book will be released on on March 2." Via YouTube.

Toyota Lawnmower Recall

"Toyota Lawnmower Recall." Via YouTube.

Highlights of Super Bowl XLIV

Highlights of the New Orleans Saints' 31-17 win the Indianapolis Colts in Super Bowl XLIV. Via YouTube.

Lady Gaga & Elton John – Poker Face / Speechless

"Lady Gaga & Elton John - Poker Face / Speechless - 52nd Annual Grammy." Via YouTube.

People & Power – White Power USA

"Almost a year ago the inauguration of President Barack Obama was hailed as a turning point in US race relations. The country was said to be entering a new era of post-racial politics, on the path to a future of greater diversity and tolerance. But while crowds ...

Vampire Prevention Win

Flowers prevent ... vampires? Via YouTube.

Pat Robertson Blames Haiti’s “Pact To The Devil” For Catastrophe

"Pat Robertson Blames Haiti's 'Pact To The Devil' For Catastrophe." Via YouTube.

Rampage at McDonald’s

"A woman who went on a rampage at a McDonald's in Kansas City because she didn't like her hamburger. Police released the surveillance footage in hope of catching the woman who caused thousands of dollars in damage. December 27, 2009." Via YouTube.