Weed Between the Lines
Country music, mainstream media and pigs on dope
I don’t pay much attention to “trend” stories, but one that currently amuses me is the “new” inclination among country music artists to feature cannabis in their songs. Yes, it appears that some of the current generation of major country-music hitmakers are smoking a...
Boulder backs off on ‘lab rat’ campaign
I reported last week that the Boulder Valley School District, which I wouldn’t call a pro-cannabis organization, announced after careful consideration that it wouldn’t support Gov. John Hickenlooper’s “Don’t Be a Lab Rat” campaign to scare teenagers into not using ...
Council considers cannabis rules and regs
The second reading for the rules and regulations under which retail marijuana outlets will be able to operate will be held at the Boulder City Council meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 17. Council members will get a chance to go into more detail about the staff ...
Rep. Singer talks edibles, banking and lawmakers
In part one of my interview with Rep. Jonathan Singer last week, he talked about changes the Colorado legislature made to Amendment 64 during the 2015 session. He figures lawmakers will be revising cannabis laws for a long time to come...
Is Denver ready to allow limited public cannabis consumption?
A recent survey from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment found that 13.6 percent of Coloradans admitted to using marijuana in the last month, about twice the 7.4 percent of Americans who acknowledge using cannabis on national surveys...
Washington takes a different path to cannabis
The state of Washington started selling recreational cannabis last week, producing many of the same headlines that dominated the first few weeks of January sales here in Colorado. There are certainly similarities in the way the two states have approached legalization...
Schedule 1: Same as it ever was, same as it ever...
“The criminal law is too harsh a tool to apply to personal possession even in the effort to discourage use. It implies an overwhelming indictment of the behavior which we believe is not appropriate. The actual and potential harm of use of the drug is not great enough...