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That one time in Nebraska

This is a picture of me, stopped at a red light, with two marijuana plants in the back of my truck. They needed to...

Savage Love: Dec. 21, 2023

1. What’s with all the caging in gay porn?  The appeal of male chastity devices seems obvious to me: a cock cage instantly turns the...

Minor cannabinoids could be a major deal

Did you know that cannabis doesn’t actually make THC or CBD? More accurately, it doesn’t make those compounds directly. Heat or light applied to...

Farewell to ‘Broad City’

Four and three and two and one! Jan. 24 is an emotional night for stoners everywhere with the fifth and final season premiere of Broad...

What does it really take to run for 29 hours and...

My friend Aisha places a hand on each of my shoulders. “You got this,” she says. “You totally got this.” We’re standing in a campground...

Cannabis and Seasonal Affective Disorder

Are you depressed or are you just paying attention? I know this administration makes it difficult to tell the difference, but unfortunately, ski season is...

Let ’em get high, let ’em get stoned

In his line-in-the-sand 1966 album Blonde on Blonde, Bob Dylan sang “everyone must get stoned” on the track “Rainy Day Women #12 & 35.”...

Astrology 8/16/18

ARIES March 21-April 19: “The prettier the garden, the dirtier the hands of the gardener,” writes aphorist B. E. Barnes. That’ll be especially applicable to...

Finally, Congress gets ranked on its pot votes

NORML (the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, for those who have developed long-term memory problems) did something really interesting to celebrate...

Dangerously whimsical

“Even the pizza guy has to come in for a minute to take a look,” Joe Palec’s partner, Andrea Fischer, says, gesturing around the...

Decade of dank

This November marks 10 years since Colorado voted to legalize cannabis. And it’s been a wild ride.  The Schedule I narcotic went from a prohibited...

Naked Belief

My favorite professors were the ones who’d set me up a space heater before I arrived. Even in the early fall months, just as...