in case you missed it | Very funny


Very funny

Hey, don’t forget that on the first Sunday in May, hundreds or maybe even thousands of people around the world get together to, um, laugh.

At 2 p.m. on May 2, they’ll be hanging out in front of the Boulder County Courthouse on the Pearl Street Mall again, just chuckling and guffawing in honor of World Laughter Day.

Don’t make fun of them; it’s supposed to be good for you.

Laugh with them, not at them. Local laughter yoga instructor Ellen Brown instructs us to tell both our friends and our enemies about this hilarious peace movement, so that we can “put some positive vibes out there!”

Hide the crack

May 2 may be World Laughter Day, but April 25 is National Plumber’s Day, and the Duluth Trading Company is celebrating by promoting its Longtail T shirt.

You guessed it, this shirt protects against the dreaded affliction known as … plumber’s butt!

This company is hitting the streets of Chicago on April 16 armed with the “Exposure Meter,” which seems to be some sort of an “apparatus designed to check for plumber’s butt on average guys,” according to the company’s news release. “Willing participants will be asked to bend over to measure their risk of overexposure, based on when their shirt un-tucks,” it says.

“The Longtail T isn’t just for plumbers, but it wouldn’t exist without them,” cracks Suz Harms, Duluth director of marketing. “That’s why we’re setting out to help fix plumber’s butt. It’s a universal problem, and we’ve got the solution.”

On April 25, plumbers are invited to visit plumbers to register to win one of 350 “limited edition commemorative Plumber’s Day Longtail Ts.”

Next they should come up with a “Longnose” model to protect against the other hazard of the trade — hanging gut!

Death tax

In addition to the aforementioned laugh-fest, the Pearl Street Mall is where you’d find another type of acting out — refusing to pay your taxes.

Apparently, the local War Tax Information Project was setting up a table on the Mall at midday on April 15 to encourage people to not pay their taxes — as a way to protest the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Turns out, something called the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee was founded in 1982 to support conscientious objectors who don’t want their taxes to be used for war.

According to a news release, this is a national movement, and on tax day people were planning on handing out fliers at post offices to lastminute filers, holding “penny polls” to gauge how the public wants tax dollars spent, sitting in at congressional offices and showing the NWTRCC’s film Death and Taxes.

So if you forgot to do your taxes and you want a good excuse, check out

Of bread and sheep

This was a pretty good one. Carly Fiorina, a California Republican who is running for the Senate, apparently tried to woo Jewish voters by sending them a message on Passover.

The thing is, part of the message said, “This week, as we break bread and spend time with our families and friends, I hope we also take a moment to say a word of thanks for our freedom and for those who have given their lives in freedom’s name.”

Uh, what was that first part again? Break bread? Thanks, but the one thing Jews do not do on Passover is eat bread.

She tried backpedaling as fast as she could, claiming she meant all types of bread, leavened and unleavened.

Yeah. Right. For additional insight into this candidate’s character, check out the freaky red-eyed demon sheep man at the end of one of her TV ads. Search for “Carly Fiorina’s demon sheep ad” on YouTube, and it should come right up.

Do not watch while drinking chocolate milk. You’ll get it all over your keyboard.

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