in case you missed it | Racial pissing match


Racial pissing match

There’s a political war raging over Colorado’s 6th Congressional District. What makes this battle interesting isn’t the warring factions of Democrats and Republicans (snooze), but rather their weapon of choice, Hispanic people. No kidding.

Both sides are trying to screw each other out of a Congressional seat by way of remapping current Republican Rep. Mike Coffman’s district. The redistricting map drawn up by Dems and approved by Denver District Judge Robert Hyatt on Nov. 10 would increase the size of the Hispanic population who have to call Coffman their Congressman from 9 percent to a whopping 20 percent of the district’s overall population. On the surface it’s a slick political move, as the Dems are thinking that the Hispanic folk manipulated into Coffman’s district by their map will naturally vote for the first Democrat available.

But talk about screwed. Did Democrats bother to ask all those Hispanic folks if they wanted to wake up one day in a long-time Republican-held district? Or did the Dems just sacrifice a sizable Hispanic population like cannon fodder in order to win a political pissing match?

If it smells like racism, tastes like racism, it’s racism, no matter which party is the author.

Leave that animal alone

Stop the presses, this just in. A real shocker. Turns out that guys who have sex with animals have a higher risk of contracting penis cancer.

As aptly described on the Huff Post, “This couldn’t happen to a nicer group of guys.

If you’re searching for a reason not to have sex with animals, add this to the list.”

A study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine says men who have sex with animals are twice as likely to get penile cancer as those who stick to humans.

Then — wait for it — a member of a pro-zoophilia group told the Huff Post that the new study might prompt people to take precautions, like wearing a condom, but wouldn’t keep them from porking pigs.

Our question is this: How many avowed zoo-philiacs came forward to be counted in this survey? We’ve got to question the margin of error on this one, since the sample size was probably like, seven.

OK, so we decided to read to the end of the article, and there were actually 118 penile cancer patients and 374 healthy men who completed a questionnaire about whether they had sexual escapades with Bessie the cow. We stand corrected.

Hick’s pick

Kudos to Hick for appointing someone to the CU Board of Regents who is a Hispanic woman dedicated to diversity efforts. And a Democrat, to boot.

The gubna named Irene C. Griego to the board to replace Monisha Merchant, who stepped down to take a job in Sen. Michael Bennet’s office.

And Griego seems qualified, too. She is the director for the office of diversity and inclusion and the interim community superintendent for Jeffco Public Schools. She has 38 years of experience as a teacher, school principal, community superintendent and university instructor. Griego has a master’s degree from the University of Northern Colorado and a doctorate from CU-Denver.

Hey, people may claim that gender and race and political affiliation don’t matter when it comes to the regents, but the reality is, when you’re talking about a board that has been dominated by white Republican men for several decades, every little bit of diversity helps.

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