
Death-Bridge Keeper’s OTHER Five Questions (THREE Questions!)

To WHAT, from what, is time a bridge? Of WHO and WHAT is that bridge a carrier? To WHAT do the people and things the bridge carries across and back throw up a collective — and insurmountable — BarRRier??? Born...

en el camino con angelitos

L.A. i said isn’t that where dreams go to die where you never say hello so you don’t have to say goodbye  where crooks find love and lepers fornicate and...

Pearl Street, 2020

This was supposed to be the year that I returned,to the breathtaking views of the Rockies,to the aroma of fresh-ground coffee,to the fragrances of...

Another Black Floyd

George, I don’t know how many of us are herewho share your Texas lineof long chocolate bodieswho can dance on and off the courtwith...

December 31st, America

Get dressed to go shopping to buy more Things to wear to get dressed to go shopping For more things on sale to wear only once Before...

My life as a ditch

I am a ditch. I live in the ground. When the water flows through me it washes along my sides with a familiar tingling that I...

In Grief, Take As Long a Road As You Need

In grief:Take as longa roadas you need,mingling withheartbreakingholy darknessgiving spaceto each chasmcalling for tending. When emerging,coming up for breathhold firm in keepinglightalive and well,find ways...

Sun Gazing

Sunlight’s fingered rays reaching through the clouds tired of being cold I turn my eyes toward the deep blue skies yearning to break free from this Santa Fe world there is...

The Rocking Chair Song

Be aware of the midnight knock, the one that sends you breathless out under moth veiled streetlights, no time to grab a toothbrush or...

Les Très Riches Heures de Susan Nevelow Mart

Susan Nevelow Mart, beloved director of the Wise Law Library at CU, is retiring. She will be missed. The sun was bright upon us once. We...

Walking Dogs in an Illinoisan Fall

We used to walk local shelter dogs in the fall.One of them had to stop every few yards to pee. We didn’t mind, & neither...

Viewer’s Choice

Those who can afford tickets to the theater, opera, savoring the culture of a city of prosperity, where millions skimp on meals, worry about their children denied opportunity because of poverty, tormented...