
Broken Poem

There is a poem lying beside the road, its red fur ablaze in the morning sunlight. The spine of the poem is broken and one leg is partially...

Small Window

I discern a tiny space in one of fifteen minutes; two days later, I deduce which one, approach it and peer inside (can’t tell whether it’s bright or dark), hoping to glimpse a poem — or the closest edge of one. Jethro McClellan was born in Boston, moved out West before he turned five, and has called Boulder home for most of his life....

Landscape, Mid-Consequence

The oft-oppressive miracles of the combustion engine beckon from whiny highways of a degradation we must call fair An asymmetrical face appears in the exhaust drift between the taillight and...

A Body Built of Folk and Lore

Deep in the hills and between the streams. Where fables are passed and the willows weep. Where wind flows through the tree tops. And the children grow...


I watch your skin breathe pain tells us we need a change I think if you were awake you’d be kissing me senseless but you aren’t and...

Love letter to the corn dog at River and Woods

A bite into you is a bite into late backyard nights where summer breezes bring you the scents of swaying cornfields and the laughter of friends and the...

About Bob

Smiling at the paper:  it’s telling him a secret (the secret of the margin-labyrinth) Look at the sky—it’s much closer here. Hazel starry The long eyelashes.       (more...

Summer Time

I can’t think about summer enough. The gooey melancholy warm inside me like FAT Krinkle-Kut French Fries dipped in ketchup In between pool games and juke box...

Jupiter in Taurus

I press the snooze button on my alarm three times and then finally wake up happy I step in to the outfit already laid out, place my foot in...

Going Back to Bed

Going back to bed is the ultimate adult dream Subject of snooze button thoughts                 Excuses Reasons they may have closed...

Arguing with Something My Dharma Teacher Said

There was a bumper sticker in Colorado in the 90’s that said, “Shit Happens” — you remember the one? The next one was a...

Be Patient, Flower Girl

Be patient, flower girl. Take time to grow, Teach the importance of knowing. Taking a look at perspective It is always changing. Leave dried seed heads and grasses Pruned back...