If your organization is planning an event of any kind, please email Caitlin at crockett [at] boulderweekly.com.

Vigil for the Boulder Shooting. 6:30 p.m. Thursday, March 25, Fairview High School, 1515 Greenbriar Blvd., Boulder.
In the wake of the shooting at the Table Mesa King Soopers, Moms Demand Action hopes to help support the Boulder community through a drive-in, socially distant car vigil. Organizers ask that you adhere to other COVID protocols and mask wearing.
Trans Awareness Week. March 23-31, outboulder.org

Out Boulder County celebrates Trans Awareness Week at the end of March in honor of Trans Day of Celebration (March 31; internationally recognized as Trans Day of Visibility). Out Boulder strives to center and celebrate trans community members through programming that is educational, inspiring and empowering. For questions, please email Michal Duffy (they/them) at mduffy [at] outboulder.org.
Boulder County Gender Support — 7 p.m. Thursday, March 25, email BCGScoordinator [at] outboulder.org to get the meeting link
‘Man Made’ Film Screening — 7 p.m. Friday, March 26, RSVP and the viewing link will be sent to you 30 minutes before the event: bit.ly/man-made-rsvp
Name and Gender Change Clinic — 3 p.m. Thursday, March 27, with Colorado Name Change Project, Zoom: us02web.zoom.us/j/82640814221
Boulder County Gender Support — 7 p.m. Monday, March 29, email BCGScoordinator [at] outboulder.org to get the meeting link
Hear Our Stories: TransLatina Immigrants in the U.S. | Escuche Nuestras Historias: Inmigrantes TransLatinas en los Estados Unidos — 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 30, Zoom: zoom.us/j/91641465157
Intergenerational Trans Talk — 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 31, with Rainbow Elders of Boulder County, Zoom: us02web.zoom.us/j/86450294441
‘Senses of Nowruz’ at the Museum of Boulder. 2 p.m. Sunday, March 28, Museum of Boulder, 2205 Broadway, Boulder. Tickets are $8-$10, children 4 and under free, museumofboulder.org

The Persian Cultural Circle is set to host Senses of Nowruz, a sensory experience throughout the Museum of Boulder, featuring a display of artisanal hand crafts and traditional musical instruments, as well as a calligraphy art/Omar Khayyam poetry card and a festive take-home craft. In the Garden Level courtyard, visitors will be served Persian tea with individually packaged customized cookies infused with cardamom, rose petals and saffron, listen to traditional music and enjoy the surroundings. The organization’s members will be posted throughout the museum, with some wearing traditional Iranian garments. Senses of Nowruz is included with admission to the museum on the day of the event.

Motus Theater presents ‘Welcoming the Stranger’ with Bishop Karen Oliveto, Rev. Jeff Rainwater, Cristian Solano-Córdova and musician Elisa Garcia. 5:30 p.m. Sunday, March 28, via Zoom. Tickets are available through Eventbrite, motustheater.org/events
Bishop Karen Oliveto and Rev. Jeff Rainwater will be reading aloud Cristian Solano Córdova’s autobiographical story of enduring courage in the journey across the border, through threats and toward liberty.
Best-selling Author Jamie Ford Virtual Talk. 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 31, via Webex. Registration is required and is available online at bit.ly/LibPrograms

The Longmont Public Library’s popular Authors We Love series returns with best-selling author Jamie Ford, a Northwest author widely known for his bestselling Seattle-based novels. His debut, Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, spent two years on the New York Times bestseller list. Ford is the great-grandson of Nevada mining pioneer Min Chung, who emigrated from Kaiping, China, to San Francisco in 1865, where he adopted the western name “Ford,” thus confusing countless generations. Attendees will be invited to submit questions via chat during the presentation for Ford to answer after the talk. Ford’s books, with signed bookplates, will be available for purchase at Barbed Wire Books. Readers can also check out his books from the library catalog.
‘Three Shades of Green’: An Evening of Irish Theatre. Thursday, March 25-31. This virtual showing is free, theupstartcrow.org
Grab a Guinness and settle by the fire for some classic Irish theater! The Upstart Crow presents three short plays by Lady Gregory: The Rising of the Moon, The Gaol Gate and Spreading the News.
Boulder Arts Week
Boulder Arts Week 2021, boulderartsweek.org
Boulder Arts Week is back with a slate of programs intended to keep you safe while you explore the best arts and culture Boulder has to offer. From virtual classes to exhibitions, art shows, panel discussions, plays, choreography and live music, there’s something for everyone. Here’s a smattering of events coming up; check boulderartsweek.org for a full lineup.
‘The Block’ in Boulder. March 25-April 5, Bricolage Gallery at Art Parts Creative Reuse Center, 2860 Bluff St., Boulder, artpartsboulder.org
As a tribute to collage artist Romare Bearden, you’re invited to help create a new version of his famous work “The Block” at Art Parts Creative Reuse Center. Stop by the shop any day during Boulder Arts Week and make your own city block to add to a mural in the Bricolage Gallery. Open to artists of all ages and abilities. Art Parts will provide the materials, so just bring your creativity.
Boulder Public Library Card Art Contest. Through April 15,
The 2021 Library Art Contest has started and everyone is encouraged to enter. Five different designs will be chosen from different age brackets. Download an appropriate form (kids or adults) online, and submit your design in-person or online. Only one submission per person. Winners will have their design featured on library cards until next year.

Kutandra’s Twiza (Giraffe) Marimba with Amy Stewart McIntosh and Randy McIntosh. 4 p.m. Friday, March 26, Kutandara Center, 5401 Western Ave., Suite B, Boulder.
This class is designed for 6- to 8-year-old students who have had one year or less of marimba instruction. Students will learn the names of the marimbas, their relationship to each other, and the names of the notes on each one. Students will also learn how to hold mallets correctly and strike the keys properly.
Free Online Dance Film Screening: San Souci Festival of Dance Women’s History Month. March 26-28, Learn more about the films here:
Join the second annual Women’s History Month Screening, celebrating and featuring the work of womxn directors and extraordinary womxn performers. This lineup, brought to you by Sans Souci Festival of Dance Cinema, features contemporary dance films from Australia, Brazil, Japan and the United States.
Walden Ponds Wildlife Habitat Photo Shootout and Contest. 9 a.m.-5 p.m.Thursday, March 25, Walden Ponds Wildlife Habitat, 3893 N. 75th St., Boulder. Tickets are $10-$15 (students are free), bit.ly/3tP2mUI

All photographers, using any equipment, are welcome to register for this first-ever event, brought to you with support from Mike’s Camera. Similar to a plein air paintout, you are welcome to spend as much or as little time as you like shooting in this beautiful wetlands wildlife habitat. Qualified images must be shot at Walden Ponds at any time through 5 p.m. on March 29. All submitted images will be displayed on a special online gallery page and the best three will be acknowledged and awarded prizes from Mike’s Camera. The three winning images will also be printed and exhibited at the Boulder store.
The Big Dream Superpower Summit. 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Friday, March 26, via Zoom. Free event, registration required: mailchi.mp/thebigdream/superpowersummit
Join The Big Dream community for this virtual summit to get inspired, connect and step into your “superpower.”
11 a.m. — The Big Dreamers Panel: Get inspired by badasses who are already living life outside of the box.
2 p.m. — Playshop: The Big Dream’s Guide to the Galaxy: Founder Diana Sabreen takes you on a treasure hunt to find your superpower and start living your dreams.
5 p.m. — The Big Dream Meetup: A fun and facilitated community-building happy hour to network, play and connect.
BMoCA Open Wall: Call for Artists (and sale). Call for Artists: 2-8 p.m. Friday, March 26; Art sale: Saturday, March 27–Thursday, April 1, Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art, 1750 13th St., Boulder.
All artists are invited to share their work at Open Wall, a week-long self-curated community art exhibition and sale at Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art. Artists are invited to come to BMoCA anytime between 2-8 p.m. on March 26 to install their art in the museum. Artists price their own work, and all art must be install-ready. Open Wall art will be on exhibition in BMoCA’s event space and for sale from Saturday, March 27–Thursday, April 1.
Boulder Bach Festival presents ‘Beyond the Screen — SPRING.’ March 26-April 4. 40th season subscription: $175 per adult; ‘SPRING’ concert film only: $50 per adult, boulderbachfestival.org/subscriptions
Boulder Bach Festival’s SPRING concert film will feature Mina Gajić performing Mozart’s Piano Concerto in A Major (K.414), on an exquisite historical piano. Zachary Carrettín leads an ensemble of strings in Mozart’s own chamber version of this thrilling and heartfelt concerto. The duo collaborates with BBF favorite artists in a variety of musical artworks. To view the SPRING Colorado concert film, patrons will receive their own password and a link to view directly online (using a computer or television via internet browser).
Figure Drawing Marathon. 1 p.m. Sunday, March 28, The Spark, 4847 Pearl St., Suite B4, Boulder.

Draw four different models, collectively offering 50 different poses throughout the duration. The first two hours will be short poses: dynamic two-minute gestures, followed by five-minute warm-ups, 10-minute poses and 20-minute poses. Then there will be a short break to switch sets of models before the final two hours of long poses: a 45-minute pose before finishing up with a one-hour pose. Artists must pre-register to maintain safe gathering numbers. All of the Spark’s theater garage doors will be wide open, essentially making this a covered plein air venue. We are asking the artists to bring their own easel or chair for as touch-less of an experience as possible.
Short Story Dispenser Launch. 1 p.m. Sunday, March 28, Boulder Public Library, Main Branch, 1001 Arapahoe Ave., Boulder.
Short Story Dispensers are the rage in Europe and are now popping up around the U.S. The Boulder Public Library Foundation gifted the library with two dispensers that will be available for the public to interact with for years to come. Come wave your hand over the kiosk and a story will be generated just for your reading pleasure. Authors from around the globe are featured, and choices include short stories curated for children, adults or in Spanish.
How to Create a Batik Effect in Paintings. March 26-April 3, via YouTube. This event is a video tutorial: youtu.be/9R2ojABZGZo
Batik is an Indonesian technique of wax-resist dyeing applied to the whole cloth, made either by drawing dots and lines with a spouted tool called a canting, or by printing with a copper stamp called a cap. But don’t worry: no fancy wax needed for this tutorial!
Oskar Blues Paint and Pints. 7:30 p.m. Sunday, March 28, Oskar Blues Pearl St. Taproom, 921 Pearl St., Boulder. Tickets: bit.ly/3qA1xgB
This workshop is for all artistic skill levels and will clearly walk you through creating a fun, colorful painting that is sure to wow your friends. Canvases, paints and live instruction will be provided as you paint your masterpiece in a safe, socially distanced space. Oskar Blues beer and food will be available for purchase, but is not included in the ticket cost.
The Healing Power of Indigenous Art: Resilience and Creativity. 4:30 p.m. Monday, March 29 via Zoom, bit.ly/2QBdvu7
A talk about the healing power of indigenous art, the development of resilience and creativity, and the ways in which art can help us heal from historical and generational trauma. The discussion will approach the ancestral and contemporary art of some indigenous regions of Mexico to learn about its transformative power, and the way in which art has empowered indigenous peoples. Participants will learn about the healing processes some indigenous women have found through art. This event will be bilingual (English and Spanish).