Boulder Weekly has tickets to this Friday’s showing of “The Portal,” a
unique performance billed as a “multi-media rock concert that weaves
live-music, story, video, fractals and poetry into one comprehensive
and mythical experience.”
Whatever that amounts to, it’s bound to be fascinating. E-mail buzz at boulderweekly.com with the subject line PORTAL for the tickets.
Here some more information on the show, courtesy of the folks planning the event:
“Luke Comer (previously a struggling writer) directed and produced the event. Tierro Lee, the guitarists and producer for the band Kan Nal, composed the music. And the lead-actor of the video, Chris Kelly, is the star in the break-out, independent film called Ink. The video was shot around Moab, Utah but the show, otherwise, was conceived and pre and post-produced in Boulder, using talents from local musicians, art colleges, universities, studios and post-production houses.
In the show, we follow Dante who, lured by the words and visions of a mysterious and compassionate woman, travels into the strangest and most beautiful realms of the desert. Along the way, he confronts a variety of characters who are reflections of his own troubled but determined mind. As the audience accompanies Dante on his quest, they are rocked and rolled, awed and entranced, broken and healed and con- sumed by swirling, cosmic fractals that drive them deeper into the mysteries of their own mind. For, ultimately, The Portal does not bid you enter the house of its wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your own mind.”