The Scent of Sunlight (A poem for Jaime)
by Jason E. Benson
I read somewhere once
that God is the force
that drives tears to the eyes of man
In recognition of a love
finally gained
Suddenly lost…
Which will you be?
The Creator seems to think
that if you are both
(He talks to me sometimes you know)
But I don’t know, I’m thinking God
Can be a pessimist on my behalf
My heart! My foolish, stupid heart
  seems to think you are
And well worth the potential
that only heartbreak can summon
Decisions. Decisions. Decisions…
(As if I really have the luxury of choice!)
I’ve never been good at walking lines,
especially as they relate to love —
  It’s a dangerous practice —
But every once in a while
  You’ll find that one someone
that will inspire you to split the difference
Between God’s pessimism
And your faith in love —
You will forever remember that day
  By the scent of sunlight
   on your eyes
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