Arts & Culture

Keeping it weird and accessible with Left Hand Artist Group

A break in Colorado’s early spring snows brought a warm, sunny day to Longmont last April. Outside the Senior Center in Roosevelt Park, locals...

The greatest of all human blessings

BETC’s ‘14 Funerals’ wraps philosophy in comedy

Nissi’s 2.0

The Lafayette music venue is returning with expanded capacity, refreshed menu

The second son of a preacher’s daughter

After losing his father and the family cabin from which he derived his stage name, Covenhoven’s Joel Van Horne still sees beauty in the world

A Gershwin celebration

Concert will feature pianist Marcus Roberts

History belongs to everyone

When author Preston Lauterbach first met Ernest Withers, the famed Civil Rights-era photographer left Lauterbach in his studio alone while Withers took a meeting. “Before...

My fellow Americans . . .

By the spring of 2020, André Ramos-Woodard (they/them) was mad as hell. It started with Ahmaud Arbery, chased and gunned down by white men while...

Reading music

For almost a decade, starting in 2008, I wrote an annual feature for Boulder Weekly detailing 10 great new albums for readers to check...

On paper wings

Boulder’s Marisa Aragón Ware didn’t know what to expect when she was chosen as a contestant on the Discovery Channel’s Meet Your Makers earlier...

Facing up to John Wayne

A few summers ago, Stephen Graham Jones fell down a John Wayne rabbit hole.  The Blackfeet Native American author and professor of English at CU...

Not entirely politically correct

The art Todd Herman curates at east window is his way of addressing the injustices of the world.  “There's still racism, sexism—there’s a lot we've...

Dildos and the flag flap

The November First Friday at Mighty Fudge Studios in the NoBo Arts District is B.Y.O.D.: bring your own dildo.  In addition to customizing your phallus...