Arts & Culture

Monsters in the dark

In the summer of 2010, Jeff Emtman, then a student at Fairhaven College, was suffering a sleepless night when he had an epiphany...

Hanging out on the fringe

The Boulder International Fringe Festival (BIFF) is a little more than a week away, and Executive Producer David Ortolano has deep, dark bags under his eyes...

Birds of a feather

For centuries, humans have been inspired by witnessing their fellow citizens attempt to fly. Despite a lack of wings, we have been awed and amazed when people propel themselves off the ground and into another dimension. A popular 19th-century folk song captures...

When cultures collide

Denver artist Tony Ortega’s attic studio overflows with framed prints he has made during his three-plus decades as a professional artist...

Written with a needle

As Kerry Larkin has traveled the country with her handmade quilts, she’s discovered that people in Manhattan and Washington, D.C. — just like people in rural Pennsylvania where she grew up and her current home in Colorado — have stories about quilts...

Chief Niwot’s spirit lives on

The story of the city of Boulder has a sordid side...

Uncomfortable cuisine

Deep in the back room of the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art (BMoCA), an enormous Cheeto, roughly four feet long and made up of thousands of real Cheetos, dangles from the ceiling like dead flesh in a meat locker. Up close, the individual Cheetos have a sticky ...

Bolder Boulder and beer bongs

Around 9:05 a.m. on Memorial Day, I stood with my feet a few inches behind the Bolder Boulder starting line, ready for my wave to begin its 10K quest on a sunny, clear morning. Ron Bostwick, director of course entertainment, pumped up the excited throngs ready to run...

Scents for a woman

Artwork in museums is usually meant to be seen and not touched, not tasted and not smelled. But the Denver Art Museum is partnering with local perfumer Dawn Spencer Hurwitz to organize an event that turns that notion on its head. On May 1, Hurwitz will lead a tour ...

Dance rock

In a dance studio in an industrial section of Broomfield, the dancers of Ballet Nouveau Colorado, decked in casual athletic clothes, are performing to the wall-length mirror inside the studio. The music of David Bowie blares through speakers, and the room is as much ...

Women are beautiful, naturally

Through the decades in which women marched for liberation from secretarial jobs, sexual monogamy and bras, Garry Winogrand walked the streets, his palm-sized camera in hand, photographing women. He caught them with their guard down, their knees too high for their ...

Setting fire to sex trafficking

Go ahead and play with matches — that was the directive Boulder area artists got last year from Sue Chambers Wallingford, core assistant professor at Naropa’s art therapy program...