I’ve always enjoyed breakfast at the Parkway Cafe. On a recent visit, while sitting on the sunny patio, I pushed past my natural inclination toward omelets, blueberry pancakes, and hot biscuits with gravy, and warmed up instead with a platter of chile rellenos. The Parkway version starts with two roasted Anaheim peppers stuffed with white cheese and batter-fried. Since it was only a few short weeks until the holiday, I enjoyed them “Christmas-style” covered with half green chile and half red chile sauces. This substantial comfort meal includes beans, Mexican rice, guacamole, and sour cream.
Another roadfood attraction
Growing up in New England, I looked forward to the rare lunch when Mom had me an odd regional sandwich favorite, the Fluffernutter. Fluffernutters consist of peanut butter and marshmallow creme spread on white bread. This glorious creation always seemed like dessert in disguise. I was pleased with the recent announcement that the word “fluffernutter” has officially been added to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary along with a few other food words and phrases including “horchata,” “chicharron,” “air fryer” and “ghost kitchen.”
To sample the sandwich, visit Rise, the artisan bread bakery in Berthoud, where many sandwiches and treats bear a Massachusetts moniker. Among the favorites is the Fluffanutta sandwich.
What to do with too many cayenne chilies
My hyperactive, self-pollinating, two-year-old cayenne plant and its offspring just moved inside for the winter. They continue to pump out fiery little red and green pods. There are only so many chile flakes one person can use on pizza, so I’m turning some pods into festive holiday mini ristras. I packed some sun-dried pods in one jar and filled it with vodka to infuse. I simmered other pods and orange peel in grapeseed oil. It’s great for stir frying. Friends have also suggested making spicy herb blends and cayenne-infused honey, jelly and vinegar. It’s going to be one spicy holiday gift giving season this year.

(Photo: Hinman Pie)
Order Thanksgiving pies now
Increased demand along with supply and labor shortages mean you better order your Thanksgiving pie today. Among the local pie sources are Shamane’s Bakery, Lucky’s Bakeshop, Walnut Cafe, and the Niche Market (Meals on Wheels) in Boulder. Jamestown’s Karen DiVincenzo of Pie Lady Pies delivers pies including mincemeat to Boulder and Nederland. Other pie places include Eats & Sweets and Button Rock Bakery in Lafayette, Hygiene’s Mountain Fountain Market and La Momo Maes in Longmont along with Hinman Pies at the Boulder Farmers Market and at The Post Chicken & Beer.
Culinary calendar
The Colorado Pickle and Beer Society meets November 13 at Denver’s Spangalang Brewery for a tasting of fermented goodies from The Real Dill including fennel parsnip lacto-fermented kimchi and pumpkin spice pickled pumpkin . . . There are only two more Saturdays for the Boulder Farmers Market and Longmont Farmers Market. Get your local storeable “keepers” while you can including apples, pears, beets, carrots, onions, winter squash, potatoes, cabbage, garlic, sweet potatoes and turnips.