Restaurant Reviews
The re-creation of fun
The coleslaw was good. No, the coleslaw was great. The cabbage was crispy and fresh, lathered in sweet, creamy dressing that tasted like watermelon. They’d added some juice or vinegar into the coleslaw, and it was refreshing in the unseasonable warmth we’ve been ...
Les bon temps
I was in another diner in Boulder one morning about a month ago when I overheard a conversation between two long-timers about iconic restaurants in town. When the name Lucile’s was uttered, sentimental and adoring gasps were released...
A fresh memory
The best food transports you. Where Volta transports you is to a long, green lawn on the side of a lake for a reunion of friends and family on a late spring day. You can smell it — in the drink and in the food, and in that place in your mind where the senses create ...
The food is the thing
In the clown car kitchen of China Gourmet in Boulder, a dozen cooks are calmly doing two dozen things. Composed but busy, the kitchen is preparing Chinese-American standards like cashew chicken, mu shu pork and Szechwan beef alongside “Shanghai specials” like cold ...
Temperature matters
Temperature matters. It says so on the wall of Reelfish, a new seafood joint in Lafayette that specializes in fish and chips. I agree...
The unique taste of Peru
Rosario sits down to lunch with her chef and her two waitresses. It’s all slush and pudgy fog this early afternoon, and I’m sitting across the empty dining room from the group when I’m waved over...
Where in the world?
There’s something about the term “international” that makes it a sort of red flag when judging a restaurant by its menu cover. It’s understandable prejudice on one hand — jack-ofall-trades, master of none, bringing to mind half-assed buffets and ubiquitous houses of ...
Over the forest, through the woods
How do you review Christmas dinner at grandma’s house...
How to mingle
It may just be the holiday season, or that the name of the shop implies it, but the sandwiches at Naked Lunch had me thinking about parties...
Top chefs
Well readers, it’s that time. After a year of locally sourced food puns and stuffing my face like I’m trying to turn my own liver into foie gras, I’m taking a job in Oregon, making this my last food review for Boulder Weekly. And it figures. Like so many good things...
The secret
Perhaps one of the greatest joys in eating out is wandering into somewhere new on a whim and finding greatness. That’s probably not an experience you’ll have at Dagabi Cucina...
The frontier
Boulder’s strict growth boundaries make heading north on Broadway a bit of a cliffdrop, with the city ending abruptly as the street y’s into U.S. 36. But nestled right up against the edge is a restaurant that would be as at home in the urban core as it is on the ...