Restaurant Reviews

No exotic cow parts here

Pica’s Mexican Taqueria is the latest local entry in the mid-priced, fast-casual taco and burrito arena. Not a large chain or a strictly one-location operation, it nevertheless manages to dish out satisfying and surprisingly tasty-for-the-price Mexican specialties. ...

A top Ten

Having recently spent the last several weeks catching up on Mad Men, I was craving a decadent lunch with a touch of the old school...

Step away from the buffet

As part of my ongoing efforts to craft a taxonomy for Chinese restaurants, I recently realized there are two main angles to categorizing these eateries. The first is assessing the formality and pricing of the place, ranging from the come-one-come-all budget dive to ...

100% tasty and cheap

100% Mexicano, which has been open a little more than a month, is the latest local eatery to deliver an authentic “south of the border” street food experience...

Belgium, bikes and burgers

Blending the disparate elements of cycling, Belgian gastronomy and burgers, Rueben’s Burger Bistro is a recent, if not risktaking, addition to the downtown Boulder dining scene. This space’s interior harkens back to its two-wheeled heritage, with a depiction of ...

Jet over to Espressoria

Two disparate thoughts run through one’s mind when assessing Jet’s Espressoria, a thoroughly welcoming Boulder spot on east Pearl Street. The first is a line from the film The Moderns, in which art forger Nick Hart muses, “It’s easier to change your mind than your ...

More than meets the eye

It was one of those hot days where meek little spouses feel the edge of the carving knife and study their partner’s neck. Then they think better of it and quickly return to dicing arugula for salad. But I wasn’t thinking about Farmer’s Market greens and severed ...

Chinese, like mama used to make

For me, a visit to a Chinese restaurant is either an exercise in frustration or dewy-eyed nostalgia. I either feel that the chefs are butchering the favored dishes of my youth, or they should immediately be canonized for their uncanny ability to reproduce the ...

Not your typical grocery store sushi

Grocery store sushi has earned a reputation on par with the pop music of David Hasselhoff, and consumption of these commodities is driven more by expediency than good taste. However, this impression is powerfully refuted by Sachi Sushi, an honestto-goodness ...

Back to basics

You don’t need a Wayback Machine to know that the ancient Roman forebears of today’s Italian cookbook writers embraced the bedrock principle of cooking seasonal ingredients of top quality. These scribes advised that spices and other superfluous adornment were to be ...

South of the border but a cut above

While most local Mexican restaurants are affordable familystyle venues, there are a handful of restaurants in this genre gunning for something rarefied. These locales up the ante with memorable ambience, a gourmet versus utilitarian experience, and prices to ...

Keeping it hush-hush

Groucho Marx famously sent a telegram to the Friars Club, a selective association of entertainers that counted the comedian among its membership. His wire went like this: “Please accept my resignation. I don’t want to belong to any club that will accept people like...