Did you know Boulder Weekly has an Instagram? Twitter and Facebook, too. You can find ’em all @BoulderWeekly, and you really should because you’ll find contests there that’ll net you gift cards to Hapa Sushi Grill & Sake Bar, a favorite ’round these parts. And when you go, make sure to order Hapa’s very own Rice Beer, made by Colorado Springs’ Bristol Brewing just for the sushi slingers. It’s a lager brewed with 75% rice, light and fizzy, with carbonation that offers plenty of relief. That’s crucial for sushi: those salty, spicy, sweet and savory rolls pack quite a bit of flavor. Thankfully, Hapa’s Rice Beer has just enough hops to clean up your palate, just enough grain to cool the wasabi and just enough bitterness to prickle those taste buds back to life. It’s a dynamite food beer, one that’s good enough to drink sans sushi should you be looking to cut calories.