Longmont Ballot Question 2A
Bonds for wastewater system improvements
Vote Yes
question asks Longmont voters to authorize the city to issue up to
$31.1 million in bonds to finance improvements to the municipal
wastewater system. The bonds will be paid off using only revenues
collected by the wastewater utility itself, so there isn’t a tax
increase involved. Besides, new federal regulations that become
effective in 2016 require the city to adhere to new standards reducing
the amount of ammonia permitted in the water, or else face a fine of
$10,000 a day, according to Mayor Dennis Coombs. If the bonds aren’t
approved, he adds, the improvements will have to be made anyway,
possibly involving significant increases in sewer rates. The recent
flooding was a good reminder of the need to have solid infrastructure.
Every single candidate for Longmont City Council supports passage of
this measure, and so do we. Vote yes on 2A.
View all of Boulder Weekly’s endorsements here.