UPDATE: Boulder Weekly has withdrawn its endorsement for candidate Christie Adams in the Estes Park School District R-3: School Director at Large race.
BW received
an anonymous tip in the form of an online comment on our endorsements
stating that Adams did not have a Ph.D., as had been claimed. BW contacted
Adams twice asking her to simply tell us which school had issued her
Ph.D. so that we could remove the anonymous post if it was inaccurate.
Adams refused to tell BW where she had earned her Ph.D. We
informed her that we would have no choice but to withdraw our
endorsement if she couldn’t provide us with the name of the university
that issued her Ph.D. She still refused to answer and hung up on us.
Below are links to Boulder Weekly’s endorsements for every issue and race that will appear on Boulder County ballots.
Colorado statewide
Yes on Colorado Amendment 66 and Proposition AA
Mary Young, Matthew Appelbaum, Macon Cowles, Andrew Shoemaker and Sam Weaver for Boulder City Council
No on Boulder Ballot Issue 2A, recreational marijuana tax
Yes on Boulder Ballot Issue 2B, sales and use tax
Yes on Boulder Ballot Issue 2C, sales and use tax extension
Yes on Boulder Ballot Issue 2D, sales and use tax extension
Yes on Boulder Ballot Question 2E, electric utility amendments, $214 million acquisition debt limit and superseding other initiatives
Yes on Boulder Ballot Question 2F, negotiated or private bond sales
Yes on Boulder Ballot Question 2G, qualification for appointment to city commissions
Yes on Boulder Ballot Question 2H, oil and gas exploration moratorium extension
No on Boulder Ballot Question 310, city debt limitations
Dennis Coombs for Longmont Mayor
Polly Christensen and Trisa Baxter for Longmont City Council At Large
Jeff Moore for Longmont City Council Ward 2
Yes on Longmont Ballot Question 2A, bonds for wastewater system improvements
Yes on Longmont Ballot Question 2B, bonds for city’s fiber-optic network
Yes on Longmont Ballot Question 2C, Shall Municipal Judge Diana VanDeHey be retained for 2 years?
Tom Dowling, Clifton E. Smedley, Gustavo Reyna and Merrily Mazza for Lafayette City Council
No on Lafayette Ballot Question 2A, Xcel franchise renewal
Yes on Lafayette Ballot Issue 301, utility occupation tax
Yes on Lafayette Ballot Question 300, gas and oil charter amendment
No endorsement for Louisville City Council Ward I
Debby Fahey for Louisville City Council Ward II
Ashley Stolzmann for Louisville City Council Ward III
Yes on Lyons Regional Library District Ballot Issue 4C, tax for new library district
Yes on Lyons Regional Library District Ballot Issue 4D, collect grants and revenues with no new taxes
Thompson School District
Donna Rice for Director District A
Janice Marchman for Director District B
Lori Hvizda Ward for Director District E
No endorsement for Director District F
Estes Park School District
Yes on Estes Park School District R-3 Ballot Issue 3A, tax increase for education
Laura Case for School Director at Large
Nederland EcoPass Public Improvement District
Yes on Boulder County Nederland EcoPass Public Improvement District Issue 5D, tax for community-wide bus pass
Boulder County Subdivision Paving Public Improvement District
Yes on Boulder County Subdivision Paving Public Improvement District Issue 5C, formation, mill levy and debt authorization
Rocky Mountain Fire Protection District
Yes on Rocky Mountain Fire Protection District Ballot Question 5B, term limits
Lefthand Fire Protection District
Yes on Lefthand Fire Protection District Ballot Issue 5A, general tax increase
Superior Town Center
No endorsement on Metropolitan district ballot content
The list of articles is also available here.