State Board of Education District 4: Pamela Mazanec (R)


State Board of Education

Congressional District 4

Stephen Ray Dellinger

Pamela Mazanec

voters in northwest Boulder County who find themselves in
Congressional District 4, the State Board of Education race features
some interesting changes. No incumbent is running in this election, as
current BOE chairman Bob Schaffer (R-Fort Collins) declined to run for
re-election after new mapping changes moved his Larimer County home
into a different district. The mapping changes are also significant
because they move Douglas County, whose school board has been in the
news in recent years for a proposed voucher system and rancor over
collective bargaining with teachers, into the 4th Congressional

As a
resident of Douglas County for more than 20 years, Republican candidate
Pamela Mazanec has been an active proponent of school choice, as shown
by her role as director of Great Choice Douglas County, a nonprofit
organization supporting educational choice, including the Choice
Scholarship Program being disputed in the courts. If elected, Mazanec,
who has been endorsed by Schaffer, promises to fight for allowing
parents to choose the school that best serves the needs of their child,
increasing accountability in use of tax dollars by reducing
bureaucracy, and allowing education money to follow a child to the
school that best serves their needs, be it public, private or charter.

candidate Steven Ray Dellinger of Longmont is also running for the
District 4 seat on the State Board of Education. His campaign did not
respond to requests for comment by deadline. Democrats have not fielded a
candidate for this election.

Respond: [email protected]