Court of Appeals: Retain Judge James S. Casebolt


Court of Appeals — James S. Casebolt


Do not retain

Judge James S. Casebolt, a veteran of the court who was appointed in 1994, wrote the book on jury selection.

Literally, Casebolt wrote the book. Civil Jury Selection and Pattern Voir Dire, a series of questions for potential jurors, is recommended for use in every trial court in Colorado.

his expertise in jury selection, Casebolt has a long, strong resume.
He’s chairman of the Public Employees’ Retirement Association.

the deputy chief judge of the Court of Appeals. He won retention votes
in 1996 and 2004. The Colorado Office of Judicial Performance
Evaluation summary on Casebolt calls him “exemplary.”

We endorse retention for Judge Casebolt, who’s described as fair and open-minded.

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