Colorado state representative District 10: Dickey Lee Hullinghorst (D)


State Representative

District 10

William H. Eckert

Dickey Lee Hullinghorst

In this race, a relative political newcomer, Republican Bill Eckert, is taking on Democratic incumbent Dickey Lee Hullinghorst.

we are somewhat encouraged by the fact that Eckert, more than most of
his Republican colleagues, seems to at least acknowledge that climate
change, fracking, GMOs and civil unions are issues, he also comes from
the Scott Walker school of opposing the state health exchanges created
under ObamaCare. He is a fiscal conservative and opposes efforts by the
federal government to usurp state powers, which are not necessarily bad
things, but here we have to lean toward Hullinghorst, not just because
Eckert’s stances are a bit too extreme for Boulder County values, but
because Hullinghorst has a proven track record. She has demonstrated
experience and dedication to issues that are near and dear to our
hearts, including public education, closing corporate loopholes,
protecting a woman’s right to choose, civil unions and passing a
DREAM-like act for undocumented immigrants who have graduated from high
school and were brought here as youngsters.

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