City of Longmont Ballot Question 2A
Gas Franchise Agreement Extension
With the statewide weed measure and the city’s proposed fracking ban, Longmont’s ballot is full of sexy issues. This isn’t one of them.
question asks if the Public Service Company of Colorado (Xcel Energy)
can keep using pipes constructed under Longmont streets and other
property to transport gas to homes.
a renewal of a current franchise agreement from 1993, and it’s very
common, says City Engineer Nick Wolfrum. He confirmed that almost every
community in Colorado has franchise agreements for gas.
agreement is the reason you don’t need a big tank in your back yard and
don’t need gas delivered by truck. It won’t affect your rate. And it
also makes the city money — Longmont will make 3 percent of Xcel’s
sales, which is standard.
endorse this measure, which Wolfrum says he hasn’t heard any opposition
to, as common sense. Even those worried about Xcel suddenly building
pipes across parks and open space can relax — construction in those
areas would need prior approval from the city.
Respond: [email protected]